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也就是说我的诱饵只是一只会爬的小虫罢了。Which means my lure was behaving passably bug-like.

不过对懒学生是坏事,对他却有好处,这话也说到家了。But, bad for idle schoolboys, it did so happen that they were passably good for him.

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他偶尔也会清醒一两天,勉强将自己分内的活干得像回事。Sometimes for a day or two he would be almost sober and attend to his work at least passably.

有一个出气洞相当大,大概是昂儒街的洞眼,射进了一道几乎闪亮的光。A passably large air-hole, probably the man-hole in the Rued'Anjou, furnished a light that was almost vivid.

有一个出气洞相当大,大概是昂儒街的洞眼,射进了一道几乎闪亮的光。A passably large air-hole, probably the man-hole in the Rue d'Anjou, furnished a light that was almost vivid.

漏斗图显示基本对称,提示纳入文献的发表性偏倚控制尚可。Funnel plot was symmetrical in general, and it prompted that publication bias for the literatures was controlled passably.

至少有一项运动还过得去。无论是慢跑、滑雪、高尔夫、滑冰、游泳、棒球、篮球网球,只要你说得出来的。Be passably good in at least one sport—whether it's jogging, skiing, golf, ice skating, swimming, baseball, basketball, tennis, you name it.

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他的法语和德语还说的过去,但二十年前从波斯顿带到巴黎的新英格兰口音还没舍得丢。Though he spoke French and German passably , he had never altogether lost the New England accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.

这一低效的方法在数码时代的头25年或许还行,但当资料大量堆积时就难以支撑下去了。This inefficient method may have worked passably well for the first 25 years of the digital age, but it's becoming untenable as the pile of data mounts.

我的叔叔凯冯生而就是个追随者而非领导者,虽然若强行交予他权力他会是个不错的摄政王,但是他不会主动索求。My uncle Kevan would make a passably good regent if someone pressed the duty on him, but he will never reach for it. The gods shaped him to be a follower, not a leader.

小酒馆很暗,还算凉快,前门开着,天花板上有大电扇,还有一台立式电扇在门口以105分贝的响声转着。The tavern had been dark and passably cool, with the front door open and big fans on the ceiling and one on a stand by the door whirring at about a hundred and five decibels.

国民小学校长领导行为、组织特性发展及学校效能展现的现况属于中上尚有努力的空间。The present status for the principal leadership, features of organizational development and school effectiveness display is passably . There is still space for further achievement.