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化疗后肿块纤维化预后好。The prognosis was better if the tumor was fibrotic.

纤维化标本的碎片更常见,并且更广泛。Fibrotic specimens fragment more often and more extensively.

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当然,也可以在疤痕纤维组织中找到这些细胞。These are the cells you would expect to find in scar fibrotic tissue.

这些囊被形态不一的变性纤维基质紧密分隔。The cysts were closely spaced with an intervening variably fibrotic stroma.

目前,有纤维化疾病的很少,不足的治疗方案。Currently, there are minimal and inadequate treatment options for fibrotic disease.

清理掉所有病灶软骨下骨的残余纤维组织。For all patients, residual fibrotic tissue of subchondral bone was removed from the defect.

胸部图像的表现包括肺容积表小和基底部纤维化改变。The findings on the chest film comprise volume loss and fibrotic changes in the basal lung area.

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目的了解肝纤维化和肝切除时同肝脏再生并行的自噬现象的表现和差别。Objective To evaluate the characteristics of autophagy in fibrotic and postoperative remnant liver.

而也有研究提示这类干细胞可能在肝脏发挥抗纤维化和抗炎作用。On the other side it may be that mesenchymal cells are anti fibrotic and anti inflammatory in the liver.

因此在发生纤维化的肝脏大麻素受体既有抗纤维化作用也有促纤维化作用。So in fibrotic livers you can find cannabinoid receptors that have both anti- and pro-fibrogenic effects.

提示整合素连接激酶可能涉及到老龄肾脏的纤维化过程或衰老过程。The results suggested that ILK might be involved in fibrotic process or senescent process in aging kidney.

参考段的病变中纤维斑块及钙化斑块较少而脂质斑块较多。Reference segments contained less fibrotic and calcific plaque and proportionately more soft plaque elements.

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无数并列的囊状气道可能与“单纯”的纤维性蜂窝难以鉴别。The juxtaposition of numerous cystic airways may make the distinction from "pure" fibrotic honeycombing difficult.

目的通过大鼠肝纤维化动物模型,研究门冬氨酸鸟氨酸防止肝纤维化的作用。Objective To study the role of ornithine aspartate on preventing of liver fibrosis through the rat liver fibrotic model.

胰腺坏死组织的吸收和纤维组织增生替代呈现3~6个月的缓慢过程。The absorption of necrotic tissues of pancreas and proliferation of fibrotic tissue took a slow course of 3 to 6 months.

任何一个具有纤维变性外观的部位都视为可疑部位,尤其是星状外形的部位。Any sharply localized area with a fibrotic appearance should be regarded as suspicious, especially if it has a stellate shape.

结论肝癌患者的乙肝、丙肝病毒感染背景直接影响肝癌患者的血清肝纤维化标志物水平、肝纤维化分期,并影响肝癌患者免疫功能及甲胎球蛋白水平。Conclusions The background of HBV, HCV virus infection had a direct influence on the levels of AFP, HA, PIIIP, C-IV, LN, the fibrotic staging.

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萎缩腺体分布在多个小叶中,相互之间被纤维基质所分割开。有形态完好的开放腺腔,细胞核浓染。The atrophic glands are arranged in multiple lobules separated by fibrotic stroma. They have well-formed open lumens and hyperchromatic nuclei.

细针活检除A组3个结节内见残留肝癌细胞外,余均为纤维瘢痕组织及坏死组织。Besides relic hepatic carcinoma cells were detected only in 3 nodes in group A, fibrotic scar and necrotic tissue were evident in all other nodes.

另一方面,也可以巨大、形状不规则,切面示浅粉到褐色、质硬、有沙砾感、局部纤维化和浸润性边界。On the other hand, it can be large and irregularly shaped with light pink-tan, firm, gritty, focally fibrotic cut surfaces with infiltrative borders.