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你们大多数的教育是说大话。Most of what you are taught is malarkey.

你觉得会有人愿意听你那些假大空的话吗?Do you think anyone is willing to listen to that malarkey?

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穆克扭了脚踝,马拉其和几个人试图扶他。Muck is wresting his ankle, Malarkey and some guys trying to support him.

他们想让我们完成些烦人的团队领导任务,然后再说些大话。They re going to make us do crappy leadership tasks and all that malarkey.

闭嘴!你觉得会有人愿意听你那些假大空的话吗?Keep your mouth shut! Do you think anyone is willing to listen to that malarkey?

有些香烟比其它香烟更健康的这种想法全是胡说八道。The idea that some cigarettes are healthier than others is a whole lot of malarkey.

有些香烟比其它香烟更健康的这种想法全是胡说八道。SOD. The idea that some cigarettes are healthier than others is a whole lot of malarkey.

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公众选举布什为总统,是听信了他关于家庭价值观的许多谎言。Snookered by a lot of malarkey about family values , the public elected Bush as President.

大话总是潜伏着无处不在,污水中的气泡,恶臭的气泡破裂臭气满溢。There’s always malarkey lurking, bubbles in the cesspool, fetid bubbles that pop and smell.

恐怕没有人敢说开什么店就一定赚钱,如果有也是说大话的人。I am afraid no one dare to say what stores to open will certainly make a profit, if there is malarkey people.

也或许他们正努力说服自己,让自己相信说的那些话确实是真的。Perhaps they are in the process of convincing themselves that the malarkey they are spouting is actually the truth.

现在,如果你真的关注你就会知道这是科尼赛克的过这整个萨博购买说大话拳打脚踢。Now, if you're really paying attention you'll know it was Koenigsegg that kicked off th is whole Saab buying malarkey.

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最后一件事,我还没准备好灵魂的称量。在我去见死神阿努比斯前,我还有一些没完成的事要做。帮帮我。One last thing, I'm still not ready for that soul weighing malarkey. I have some unfinished business before I hokey cokey with Anubis. Help me.

在我的印象中,日本民族是世界上最丑陋的民族,虚伪,惯于算计别人,说大话使小钱,与日本人稍稍接触就能感受到这样的性格特点。In my mind, the Japanese nation is the world's most ugly national, hypocrisy, wont calculated others, malarkey make lepta, exceedingly I slightly contact can feel this character.