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保姆是个魔女。Matron is a sorceress.

而她对面是一个严肃的老寡妇。Beside her was a stern old matron.

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班瑞已死。愿您的统治天长地久,崔尔主母。Baenre is dead. Reign long, Matron Triel.

这位假正经的妇人有好几种惯做的事情。This grave matron had several sorts of practice.

目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.

韩木邪从来都是女人送上门来的。Han Mu Xie is always all what matron sends to come to come.

很高兴认识你,护士长说,我是他的母亲。I'm very pleased to meet you, the matron said, I'm his mother!

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这就意味着我可以在班瑞主母的鼎盛时期向她挑战吗?。Does this mean I think I could take on Matron Baenre in her prime?

军旂旁那位有男子气概的古罗马女经理具有男子风度。The masculine Roman matron director by the banner had man's style.

等他回到家,玛烈丝主母正在院子里等着。When he finally came home, Matron Malice was waiting on the porch.

在一件灰泥浮雕上,她是令人望而生畏的美索不达米亚妇女,戴著耳环。In a stucco relief she is a formidable Mesopotamia matron with earrings.

他知晓天禄在问,这样搂女人对不对?He understands for a sky, is the Lu asking, hug matron to right like this?

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你可以信得过这家医院的护士长,她能保证她手下的护士们工作尽职尽责。You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark.

拜特汉诺时遇到的,她是家中的长者。This elderly woman is the matron of her family whom I visited in Beit Hanoun.

控制着花仙子拉了一只普通的黑野虎过来。Controled bloom pretty matron to pull the black wild tiger of a commonness to come over.

小男孩急于想减轻那位妇人的痛苦,但不知道该怎么办。The young boy was eager to make the matron less unhappy, but he did not know what to do.

孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle AGE, and Matron are the five fragrance AGEs of woman.

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孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子…Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman.

每一个成功的男人背后都有一个女人。每一个繙了船的成功男人背后往往是另一个女人。Behind each successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful male is normally variant matron.

赛纳加娘舅因为有钱引起了费拉德尔斐亚一个贫穷但是野心勃勃的交际妇女的垂青。Uncle seneca, because of his wealth, attracted the attention of a poor but ambitious philadelphia society matron.