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墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去。The airless Mexican walked boldly out.

在那间闷气的屋子里我感觉都快憋死了。I felt I was stifling in the airless room.

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无气涂料,空气涂料,刷涂及琨涂。Airless spray, air spray, brush and roller.

因此,我们继续这一进程尽可能气。So we keep the process as airless as possible.

一家挤满小孩的不通风的小戏院。A small airless theatre crammed with child ren.

这幅画将开展无气喷涂,一般。The painting to be carried out by airless spray, in general.

公寓又闷又热,但他却在颤抖。It was hot and airless in the apartment, but he was shivering.

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这是一间不通风的小屋子,里面堆了一些枯朽的木材。This is an airless cottage, and?withered woods were piled inside.

喷漆工部采用高压无气喷涂方式。The paint spraying part adopt high-pressure airless spraying method.

喷漆工部采用高压无气喷涂方式。The paint spraying part adopts high-pressure airless spraying method.

额外的大小“中的工程”包括一个五十零毫升气瓶和罐15毫升丙烯酸。Additional sizes "in the works" include a 50ml airless bottle and a 15ml acrylic jar.

本公司是国内第一家专业生产高压无气喷涂机的企业。Our company is the first one producing high pressure airless sprayer in domestic market.

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在空气不流通的主会厅里,讲台背景布的前方写着“资本主义失效了!”In the airless main hall, in front of a stage backdrop reading "Capitalism Isn't Working!

他怀疑他们被埋葬突然被一个巨大的滑坡,在干燥,无气土掩埋。He suspects they were buried suddenly by a massive landslide and entombed in the dry, airless soil.

使用高压无气喷枪喷涂导致上述部位虚喷,漆膜厚度没有达到工艺要求。Virtual spraying with high-pressure airless spraying gun at the above sites leads to thinner coating!

但是,对于宇航员来说,宇航服是将其与外界致命真空隔离开来的唯一物体。For an astronaut in space, the suit is all that stands between you and the deadly airless vacuum outside.

那里也是不见一线天光,屋子里空气混浊,一股味儿叫人喘不过气来。From that room too, the daylight was completely excluded, and it had an airless smell that was oppressive.

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无气喷涂是应用最广泛的涂装方法之一。This text introduced features, principle, technological method of airless spraying and equipment of painting.

涂料的施工可采用刷涂法、滚涂法、空气喷涂法和高压无气喷涂法。Paint brush, roller coating method for construction, air spraying method and high-pressure airless spraying method.

土星的两个最大的月亮在天空中“拥抱”在了一起。土卫六的浓雾在土卫五的左边发着亮光。Saturn's two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace. Smog- enshrouded Titan glows to the left of airless Rhea.