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但是暴露在太空中38亿年后,有几百公尺长的接触面已经变得模糊不清。But 3.8 billon years of exposure to space had smeared it out over a few hundred meters.

中国目前是世界上人口最多的国家,大约有十三亿的人口。China is currently the most populated country in the world with about 1.3 billon people.

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的范围,我们的项目,范围,在资本投资从2万美元到9.5亿美元。The scope of our projects, range in capital investments from 2 million USD to 9.5 Billon USD.

如果以总瓶数计,相当于每年的啤酒消费量从5亿瓶增加到330亿瓶。Putting it numerically that is an increase from roughly 500 million bottles to nearly 33 billon bottles drank every year.

今天,四个人中就有一个,或者说是世界人口的四分之一在用英语,并且多达十亿人在学习英语。Today, one in four people, or a quarter of world's population uses English, and as many as one billon people are learning it.

TNT是全球500强企业TNT集团旗下的一员,在阿姆斯特丹、纽约、伦敦和法兰克福股票交易所上市,2003年集团报告销售额超过一百十亿欧元。TNT is a division of TPG N. V, a Global 500 Fortune. Frankfurt, the company reported sales of over eleven billon Euro in Y2003.

民主党领导人希望从7000亿美元的金融救市方案中调拨250亿,用于帮助通用、福特和克莱斯勒三大汽车巨头度过“寒冬”。Democratic leaders want to use 25 billon dollars of 700 billon financial industry bailout to help General Motos, Ford and Creisler.

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我们还可以进一步假定,这两颗星的质量相同,都是太阳质量的1.5倍,即都是297万亿亿亿公斤。We could further assume that the two stars have the same mass of 1.5 times of the sun's mass, or 297 thousand billion billion billon kilogram.

和雅虎能够成为多亿公司,因为有能帮助人的过程中和过滤的资料,方便和快捷。Google and yahoo are able to become multi billon companies because there able to help people process and filter information at ease and faster.

今年的财政司预测,五年后,香港的财政储备约为四千七百亿元,相等于十五个月的政府开支。This year's financial secretary estimate, fiscal reserve would be 470 billon in five year time.This is equivalent to 15 month government's expenditure.

今年的财政司预测,五年后,香港的财政储备约为四千七百亿元,相等于十五个月的政府开支。This year's financial secretary estimate, fiscal reserve would be 470 billon in five year time. This is equivalent to 15 month government's expenditure.