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疤痕也蕴含着某种护身符的意味。There’s also something talismanic about them.

例如,一个护身符祖母绿是深绿色,重78克拉。For example, one talismanic emerald is deep green and weighs 78 carats.

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分析其中的交感巫术、厌胜巫术、语言巫术等。Analysis of the sympathetic magic, talismanic magic, languages witchcraft and so on.

一次,有人问,他是如何获得不同追随者支持的时候,他把。It was when asked how he kept his mix of followers onside that he called loot a talismanic gathering-word.

而全取了三分则让穆帅分外高兴,特别这场比赛是在缺少了铁汉兰帕德的情况下取得的。To gain a win left the Chelsea manager highly satisfied, especially as it was achieved without the talismanic Frank Lampard.

基恩是个充满战斗力的火车头,伟大的队长和一个几乎不会失误的球员。Keane was a ferocious motivator, talismanic captain, and a player who rarely selected the wrong pass or surrendered possession.

主教练巴斯比经过抢救之后幸存了下来,当时一同幸免于难的还包括至今仍在担任俱乐部主席的博比·查尔顿。Busby, who was on life support for several days, survived, along with the talismanic player Bobby Charlton, still a director at the club.

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在某些情况下,个人品格仿佛如同能产生影响的魔力,拥有这些品格的人完全可以引发超威力。In some cases, personal character acts by a kind of talismanic influence, as if certain men were the organs of a sort of supernatural force.

这看起来是个相当残忍的客场比赛,我们一无所获并失去了我们天才般的后卫。It seemed to be a cruel way to come away from a game where we played well only to end up with nothing and losing our talismanic centre-half.

想到会失去他们很受欢迎、很有才能甚至是富有魔力的,无论哪支队都会愁到焦头烂额。The thought of losing a popular, talented and even talismanic manager is one of the most difficult things any football team has to deal with.

展览的主题是一位设计奇才的作品,其无穷的魅力使一个服装品牌打进名牌殿堂,到达前所未见的巅峰。Its subject is the work of a talismanic designer whose enormous appeal took a clothing label to unprecedented heights in brand-name recognition.

鲁尼是对正处在他的高峰年,但前红色特普尔顿弗兰克说,最好的仍然是来自美国的这位前男子。Wayne Rooney is on the cusp of his peak years, but former Red Frank Stapleton says the best is still to come from United's talismanic front man.

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他当然非常高兴能够迎回他们的首席射手队长欧文,并且他相信这个英格兰人能够帮助纽卡斯尔摆脱保级厄运。He is therefore delighted to have welcomed talismanic skipper Owen back into the fold, and believes the England man can help fire Newcastle to safety.

队长杰拉德,甚至已经被遗忘。当坐在场边观战时,他心里肯定会在考虑,从伤病中恢复过来后,该如何打上比赛的问题了。Talismanic skipper Steven Gerrard would have been forgiven for wondering how he will get back into the side when he recovers from injury as he watched from the stands.

枪手的运气也被诅咒了,亨利两次击中门柱。但他们的前锋的魔力消失了,他们无法给博尔顿施加真正的压力。The Gunners were left cursing their luck with Thierry Henry twice hitting the post. But their talismanic striker apart, they failed to put any real pressure on Bolton.

托雷斯因3次大腿拉伤,错过了14场联赛比赛,但队长和这位杰出的前锋一共为球队奉献了77个联赛进球中的30个。Captain and talismanic striker produced 30 of Liverpool's 77 league goals last term, despite Torres suffering three hamstring strains that ruled him out of 14 league games.

当年穆里尼奥穿着它在斯坦福桥的边线处巡视的时候,优雅如豹,自鸣得意得又如同一只呲着牙的猫。The price reflects the talismanic status that the coat held, back in the days when Mourinho prowled the Stamford Bridge touchline in it, sleek as a panther and smug as a Cheshire cat.

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布莱叶阅读者不否认新科技改变了原有的阅读方式,但是布莱叶盲文在盲人崛起的神话中太重要了,以至于被放在了守护神的地位上。Braille readers do not deny that new reading technology has been transformative, but Braille looms so large in the mythology of blindness that it has assumed a kind of talismanic status.

今年夏天尤文图斯分别和特雷泽盖、内德维德、卡莫拉内西签署了新合同,但是却没有和不可思议的皮耶罗续约。It has been a surprising summer of negotiations within the Juve camp with agreements found with David Trezeguet, Pavel Nedved and Mauro Camoranesi, but not with the talismanic Del Piero.

有消息称切尔西的后护神队长还不适合在周六对维甘的比赛中,不过这个说法被否定了。It had been intimated that Chelsea's talismanic captain would be fit to make a return for Saturday's Premiership clash with Wigan, but this suggestion has now been refuted by his manager.