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万佛山四季如画。Foshan picturesque four million.

流水塘景胜似画。Water makes the pond more picturesque.

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这首名曲赞美了中国的大好河山。It praises the picturesque landscape of China.

诗情画意的英式景观始于草场。Picturesque English landscapes began as pastures.

我知道那个风景如画的古老村寨在哪儿。I know where the picturesque old-world village is.

昨夜风光旖旎如画。Last night the scenery was striking and picturesque.

一位大诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。The picturesque view here is a great attraction to me.

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在背景的景色中散步着如诗如画的山峦。Picturesque buttes and mesasdot the background landscape.

非斯这个独特的城市也是摩洛哥的一个亮点。The picturesque city of Fez is anther aspects of Morocco.

秋天的森林色彩缤纷、如诗如画。Awash with color, the forest in autumn is very picturesque.

阿尔卡萨尔堡很轻易地被评为西班牙最风景如画的地方。El Alcazar is now easily the most picturesque area in Spain.

下面,本文将会带你走进杜罗河产区,一览那风景如画的美酒天堂。This passage will lead you to this picturesque wine paradise.

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水绘园,以如诗如画的水景得名。Shuihui Garden was named after its numerous picturesque ponds.

别墅位于哈尔科夫地区一个风景如画的地方。The house is located in a picturesque place in Kharkiv region.

在此,我用到你们最晚近的圣经之生动语词。I use here the picturesque speech of your most recent scriptures.

七曲山大庙就是在这风光如画的地方建立的。And the grand temple of Mount Qiqu sits in such a picturesque spot.

首先,因为那里的空气非常好,山清水秀。First of all, the air there is very good, with picturesque scenery.

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聚餐的地点是在海滩边一个风景如画的桥墩上。The picnic was held on a very picturesque pier right off the beach.

秋景是最富有诗情画意的。Autumn scenery is undoubtedly of the most poetic and picturesque charm.

广宁是著名的竹子之乡,以优美的自然景色而出名。Guangning is the home of bamboo and famous for its picturesque scenery.