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商务仓。非吸烟区。Busine cla . Non smoking.

牛奶中的共轭亚油酸也能对抗脂肪。CLA in milk fights fat, too.

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我收看电视中的“空中课堂”。I watched Cla room on the Air on TV.

拜托,我看起来像是个中产阶级吗?Please, do I look middle cla to you?

杰克是全班最touch能显示歌词吗强壮的男孩。Jack is the strongest boy in the cla.

教室里没有一个学生。There i 't any student in the cla room.

这是我今天晚上的第一首歌。My name is Cherry. This is my first cla.

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我们班上有五十三名学生。There are fifty-three students in our cla.

把班级分成五个小组,每组六个学生。Divide the cla into five sectio of six students each.

我通过收看电视中的“空中课堂”学习。I learned my subjects from Cla room on the Air on TV.

在学校我有一些朋友,课间我们做一些运动。At school I have some friends. We have orts after cla.

我们班的学生比你们班的学生学习努力。The students in my cla study harder than those in yours.

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数组,无论是当前的,还是类等级的,都会被初始化。Arrays, whether local or cla -level, are always initialized.

上课铃响了,外国教员走进教室,他们一个接一个地和我们说英语。The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the cla room.

一连好几天我都忙于为我的同学制作情人节礼物。For several days I had been cutting out valentines for my cla mates.

贮藏时间对CLA含量的影响不显著。Storage time does not have a significant effect on the content of CLA.

穿过运河并经过较小的皇宫以及其他的古典建筑物。Cro over canals and pa by smaller palaces and other cla ical structures.

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劳委会将放寛中国配偶在台湾工作的限制,您赞成吗?。Do you agree that CLA allow Chinese spouses to have more job opportunities?

有些规模大的大学甚至有公车在校园里载送学生到各个教室上课。Some large universities even have buses to take students to cla es acro campus.

面对逃跑问题,劳委会首先应该严肃的面对移工逃跑的原因。The CLA instead should seriously address why the migrants abscond from their work.