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猴死囝仔!Monkey die boy!

或猴拳。Or Monkey style.

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那猴子是谁?Who's the monkey?

这是我的小猴子。This is my monkey.

我是石猴啊。I'm a stone monkey.

我们能养只猴子吗?。Can we get a monkey?

我是美猴王!I'm the Monkey King!

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我有一只小猴子。I have a little monkey.

那只猴子咬人。That monkey is a biter.

美猴王怎么样?What about Monkey King?

祝猴年快乐!Wish monkey year happy!

你喜欢吃落花生吗?Do you like monkey nuts?

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乔装打扮成猴王。Dress up as Monkey King.

不要再胡搞了!No more monkey business!

猴子有条长尾巴。A monkey has a long tail.

别乱搞我的车子。Don't monkey with my car.

孙悟空,你这个畜牲。Monkey King, you bastard.

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租用一只猴子一个星期。Rent a monkey for a week.

这只猴子有一个难题。The monkey has a problem.

你喜欢哪一只猴子?Which monkey do you like?