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你认为妇女应得到怎样的工作和权利?What do you think about women's situation in Chian?

供应链风险严重制约供应链的和谐发展。It limites the development of supply chian seriously.

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你的名字和我在中国的一个好朋友的名字不谋而合。Your name is the same with oen of my best friends in chian.

我还不能确定在中国演出时唱哪一首中文歌?I still wonder which Chinese song will choose in CHIAN show?

生活是一串串快乐的时光,而并不只是生存。Life is a chian of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.

2004年毕业于华东政法学院法律硕士。Graduate from the East Chian Politics and Law School in 2004. L. L. M.

我们认为中国是在秦朝建立后进入封建制的。It is said Chian had come into feudalism since the Qin Dynasty was founded.

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中国如今害怕印度的导弹能力,它老是盯着“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”。Chian is now scared of India's capability. He has alwayed eyed on Arunachal Pradesh.

中国的空气污染很严重,尤其在重工业城市中。Air pollution in Chian is extremely serious, especially in cities with heavy industry.

赤湾港是我国第一个由中外合资企业集资兴建的港口。Chiwan Port is the first port jointly funded and built by the joint venture enterprise in Chian.

中国是一个统一的多民族的国家,而朝鲜族是中华民族大家庭里的一员。Chian is the many unitive nation country, the Korea nationality is a member of the Chinese nation.

加入WTO,标志着中国经济开始融入世界经济大潮。Chian 's WTO entry markes that Chinese economy starts to blend in the spring tide of the world economy.

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金城集团有限公司成立于1949年,隶属于中国航空工业集团公司。Jingcheng group co. , ltd is founded in 1949 which is subordinated to the Chian aviation industrial co.

中国银行和您家住的宾馆都可以兑换,我可以帮您办理。You can exchange money either in the bank of chian or in your holte. or if you like, I could help you that.

上海润孚玻璃钢有限公司系华东理工大学高校科技产业化实体。Shanghai Reinforced Plastic Co. , Ltd. is an initiative of the East Chian University of Science and Technology.

此前,他还曾在Mindspeed公司任高级副总裁,负责公司核心技术及模拟电路设计事务。Prior to Altera, Chian was senior vice president of core technology and analog engineering at Mindspeed Technologies.

了解中国历史的人都知道中国目前的**状况是历史上最好的。Anyone who knows about chinese history believes that the curren human rights situation in chian is the best in history.

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在日本和中国,人么长期以来一直相信通过观察动物行为可以预测地震。In both Japan and Chian , people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast by watching the behavior of animals.

我突然发现,以前调侃那些大惊小怪一天嚷嚷爱国的人的我们,现在,自己也变成了其中的一分子。Suddently, I found we changed. We used to laugh at someone who talk about love Chian all day, now, we became one of them.

众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使中国具有良好的条件发展工农业。Chian is well-known to be very rich in natural resource, this puts her in a good position to develop industry and agriculture.