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太空行走的宇航员不能吹口哨。Astronauts on a spacewalk cannot whistle.

这一幅是中国第一次太空漫步图片。Here is animage of China'sfirst spacewalk.

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这一太空漫步将大约进行40分钟。Zhai is expected to conduct a40-minute spacewalk.

他们星期二完成了6个半小时的太空行走。They completed a six-and-a-half hour spacewalk on Tuesday.

这周紧急空间行走维修方案正在讨论中。Urgent spacewalk repairs are being discussed for this week.

2008年的那次飞行包括三名航天员并完成了中国的首次太空行走。The latter included a three-man crew and China's first spacewalk.

今天会有大规模的宇航员第五次,也是最后一次太空行走。Today marked the fifth and final spacewalk with a jumbo-sized crew.

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2008年翟志刚成功执行了中国首次太空出舱任务。Zhai conducted the country's first-ever spacewalk during the mission.

另一位航天员翟志刚,则在2008年完成了中国航天首次太空行走。Another astronaut, Zhai Zhigang, conducted its first spacewalk in 2008.

赖斯曼和古德将执行最后一次太空行走,结束更换任务。A final spacewalk with Mr. Reisman and Mr. Good is planned to finish up the work.

这次太空行走旨在检测中国对航天技术的掌握情况。The spacewalk was mainly aimed at testing China's mastery of the technology involved.

那如果你分不高就不能做一些太空行走之类的作业了?And if you don't score well then you're not allowed to do stuff like go on a spacewalk?

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按照计划,王跃将在18日与一名俄罗斯队友出舱“登上火星”。According to the plan, Wang Yue will be the 18th spacewalk with a Russian teammate, "Mars."

最后就是第二次太空行走,准备中。Mission Specialists Dave Williams and Rick Mastracchio are preparing for their second spacewalk.

今年四月十二号,中国发射了一艘新航天轨迹跟踪测控船,为神舟七号太空行走任务服务。On April 12, China launched a new space tracking ship to serve the Shenzhou-7 spacewalk mission.

五艘卫星定位船已为本计划就位。四艘船只安排在太平洋,另外一艘在大西洋。All the five satellite-tracking ships are in position to support China's first spacewalk mission.

五艘卫星定位船已为本计划就位。All the five satellite-tracking ships are in position to support China's first spacewalk mission.

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两名宇航员在太空漫步并且将国际太空站里新的日本实验室装扮整齐。Two astronauts are on a spacewalk to spruce up the international space station's new Japanese lab.

这两个人都没有进行过更换泵模组的训练,但是曾经在一起进行了广泛的太空行走。The two have not trained for a pump module replacement but had extensive spacewalk training together.

这是中国第三次载人航天,也是中国宇航员首次进行太空行走。This will be the third Chinese manned space mission, but the first time Chinese astronauts perform a spacewalk.