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所以,一个有能者居之的伟大体制建立了起来。Hence, a great meritocracy could be created.

全球范围内的贤能主义是许多人的梦想和追求。A global meritocracy is in all our interests.

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所以罗尔斯说,“即使是择优的原则So Rawls says, "Even the principle of meritocracy

称这个公司为知识界的精英群一点都不为过。To call the company a meritocracy would be an understatement.

但这一过程也支持了银行所宣称的精英体制。But the process also underpins the bank's claim of meritocracy.

首先,精英管理建立的基础,是对人才过于狭隘的定义。First, the meritocracy is based on an overly narrow definition of talent.

首相称他要在英国建立一个无阶级划分的精英治国的社会。The prime minister claims he wants to create a classless meritocracy in Britain.

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也许能人统治是新式政府的一部分,但需要加以确认。May meritocracy be part of a new form of government, which needs to be established.

但是,威尔逊说,“谢丽尔这样评价的前提是相信这是个精英制度。But, Wilson says, “underneath Sheryl’s assessment is the belief that this is a meritocracy.

汉初功臣集团是西汉最初的统治基础。During the initial stage of the Han Empire, the Military Meritocracy is the pedestal of the government.

迈克·卡瓦洛看到资金的分配过程被能人统治着,他也有一些疑问。Mike Cavallo, who viewed the allocation process as a meritocracy , did end up having some questions, too.

到了2034年,这种仇恨发展成了平民主义的暴力革命,并最终推翻了精英统治。By 2034, this resentment leads to the creation of a violent populist revolution, which sweeps the meritocracy away.

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十个人里就有九个说,如果军队多一些任人唯贤,许多最优秀的军官就会留下。According to 9 out of 10 respondents, many of the best officers would stay if the military was more of a meritocracy.

然而,他们已经为一小部分在某一方面具有极高才能的人创造了一种微型的智商精英社会。What they have done, though, is create a kind of mini- meritocracy for a few people who are very high in one ability.

作者认为帝制时代中国的考试制度是那个时代构成模范的知识界的一个部分。The author maintains that imperial China's examination system was part of what made it a model meritocracy of its time.

这种“贫民区情结”在某种程度上像一种病毒,它降低了黑人艺术标准,玷污了黑人精英阶层。The “urban nitty-gritty,” as it were, seems like a virus that has undone black artistic standards and a black meritocracy.

而且,在一个民主自由的市场化社会里,一个融合多元文化的精英治理制度要比一个主教派的贵族统治更加合人胃口一点。And, in a democratic free market society, a multicultural meritocracy is much more palatable than an Episcopalian aristocracy.

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两位者暗示,员工还会比魅力较弱的员工不公平的优势,这可能会阻碍唯才是举。They also may gain an unfair advantage over less charming colleagues, the researchers suggest, which may hinder a meritocracy.

尽管耶鲁现在更富有知识界精华和知识分子,但是仍然笼罩在淡淡的老清教主义的服务精神的气氛中。Yale is more of a meritocracy and more intellectual now, but a faint penumbra of the old " puritanical imperatives of service" remains.

我们都知道,一些成功者凭借毅力、让能者居于管理地位的体制和身体力行的实践取得成功,而非靠天分或家庭出身方面的优势。We all know winners who have achieved much through willpower, meritocracy and practice rather than innate talent or advantages of birth.