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提供非模态反馈来帮助避免用户犯错误。Provide modeless feedback to help users avoid mistakes.

视觉上区分非模态对话框与模态对话框。Visually differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs.

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为非模态对话框提供一致的终止命令。Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes.

我们将在第25章中讨论丰富的非模态视觉…We discuss this idea of rich visual modeless feedback in Chapter 25.

我们将在第25章中讨论丰富的非模态视觉反馈。We discuss this idea of rich visual modeless feedback in Chapter 25.

使用无模式窗体可显示常用的命令或信息。Use modeless forms to display frequently used commands or information.

我们会在第25章中进一步讨论丰富的非模态反馈类型。We will further discuss these types of rich modeless feedback in Chapter 25.

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还有一种更激进的方法可以解决非模态对话框的弊病。There is a more radical solution that delivers us from modeless dialog maladies.

无模式窗口的常见示例包括属性窗口、工具箱和调色板。Common examples of modeless windows are properties windows, toolboxes, and palettes.

让我们说你要只有一个实例,该非模式对话框活在同一时间。Let's say you want to have only one instance of the modeless dialog alive at one time.

不要忘记非模态对话框中经常会有几个按钮,可以立即激活不同的功能。Modeless dialog boxes frequently have several buttons that immediately invoke various functions.

相反,在非模态对话框存在的过程中,选择很可能发生改变。Conversely, the selection is quite likely to change during the lifetime of a modeless dialog box.

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下面是一个关于工具栏和非标准图形对话框的截图例子,对它们的样子你可以有个大致的概念。Here is a shot of the ribbon and one of the modeless dialogs to give you an idea as to what all that looks like.

思考一下你可以用丰富视觉非模态反馈和其他非模态反馈机制来改造程序的所有方法。Think of all the ways you might improve your own applications with RVMF and other mechanisms of modeless feedback!

非模态应用程序尝试着让在线和离线之间无缝集成,没有重要的界面改变。Modeless applications attempt to transition seamlessly between online and offline states, without significant UI changes.

前面一节描述的习惯用法全部是丰富的非模态视觉反馈的例子,我们将在第25章中做详细讨论。The idioms described in the previous section are all examples of rich visual modeless feedback, which we will discuss in detail in Chapter 25.

在非模态的应用程序中,应用程序在一种看上去像是离线的状态下工作,或者可能在任何时候失去网络连接。In a modeless application, the application works with an assumption that it is offline, or that it can lose the network connection at any time.

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它在逻辑上也是合适的,因为撤销功能在模态对话框中不可用,而在非模态对话框中可用。This all fits together logically, because the Undo function is unavailable if a modal dialog box is up, but is still usable with modeless ones.

模态对话框冻结了应用程序的状态,因此避免了这些问题,所以非模态对话框的设计和实现比模态对话框要难得多。Consequently, modeless dialogs can be much more challenging to design and implement than modal dialogs, which avoid these issues by freezing application state.

如果无论在什么时候,用户的信息在主要界面中显示,而且不会停止系统的正常任务流和交互,那么这种反馈就是非模态的。Feedback is modeless whenever information for users is built into the structures of the interface and doesn't stop the normal flow of activities and interaction.