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有限数目的状态。Finite number of states.

你的词汇量是有限的Your vocabulary is finite.

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接着利用有限元软件MSC。The finite element program MSC.

应用大型通用有限元分析软件MSC。With finite element software MSC.

时间既是有限的又是无限的。Time is finite and infinite. i def.

计入了有限高势垒效应。The finite barrier effect was included.

我们地球上的资源是有限的。The resources of our planet are finite.

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并以有限元分析软件MSC。Using finite element analysis software MSC.

最后通过有限元软件MSC。Finally through finite element software MSC.

实际上,没有有限集合的视点。In fact, there is no finite set of viewpoints.

薰香可以使有限调谐至无限。Incense can attune the finite to the Infinite.

对的,这里内存是有限的。Right. There's only a finite amount of memory.

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利用大型有限元软件MSC。By using the large finite element software MSC.

采用有限元分析软件MSC。Using the finite element analysis software MSC.

实际上水是一个宝贵而又有限的资源。Indeed, water is a precious but finite resource.

原因之一在于水的供应有着绝对的上限。One reason is that the supply of water is finite.

认识有限小数和无限小数。Recognizee finite decimals and infinite decimals.

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利用大型有限元分析软件Msc。By using the large finite element method software MSC.

我们的宇宙可能真的真的很大,但有限。Our universe might be really, really big — but finite.

实际上,上帝既是有限的,又是无限的。The truth is that Gd is above both finite and infinite.