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噢,请帮个忙。Oh, please.

好的,请便。Yes, please.

Other words in sentence

请修改。Please amend.

请来可乐吧。Coke , please.

请给点建议。Please advise.

请回去。Please go ago.

请澄清。Please clarify.

Other words in sentence

请进。Please come in.

请留下评论。Please comment.

请证实。Please confirm.

请回去。Please go back.

请留著它。Please keep it.

Other words in sentence

请把它打开。Please open it.

求你醒一醒。Please wake up.

请给包一下。Please wrap it.

请给冰红茶!Ice tea, please.

请不要装袋。No bags, please.

Other words in sentence

请往前面走。Please go ahead.

请抓紧时间。Please hurry up.

请坐下。Please sit down.