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所有旅客的预定必须在同一记录编号内。All passengers' booking must be in one PNR.

但是您的定位依然有效。However, your PNR and services have still been booked.

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订位的透度计是根据12个不同的“沥青”的方法测量。The Penetrometer PNR 12 is suitable for measurements according various "Bitumen" methods.

前2位旅客的预定须在同一记录编号内,以后客人的预定可以分开。First 2 passengers' booking must be in one PNR. The 3rd pax onward can be in separate PNR.

请以有效的付款方式进行付款,或是致电我们的服务中心。Please enter a valid form of payment to balance your PNR. Otherwise, please call our call centre.

代理人应提交与旅行订位记录相关的真实有效的票号。Travel service provider must report genuine ticket number that is valid for travel for an associated PNR.

开口后3日龄和PNR是真鲷仔鱼对外界环境的敏感期,其时高温和低盐耐力很低。The larvae at the age of three days and PNR were sensitive to environment. Their tolerances were very low.

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2009年,依照乘客姓名登记数据的分析结果,那些因恐怖主义而被拒绝进入美国的乘客中有三分之一的人员被遣返。In 2009, one-third of all persons denied entry to the United States on terrorism grounds were turned away based on an analysis of their PNR.

自2002年来,在美国法律保证的前提下,多家欧洲航空公司已向美国提供了乘客个人姓名登记数据,并且没有任何一项证据显示美国政府滥用了这些个人信息。And European airlines have provided PNR data to the United States under U.S. law since 2002 -- with no identified incidents of the U.S. government misusing that data.

自2002年来,在美国法律保证的前提下,多家欧洲航空公司已向美国提供了乘客个人姓名登记数据,并且没有任何一项证据显示美国政府滥用了这些个人信息。And European airlines have provided PNR data to the United States under U. S. law since 2002 — with no identified incidents of the U. S. government misusing that data.

代理人不可再次使用一位客人已取消的订位为另外的客人订位,即使两位客人行程完全相同也必须重新订位并生成新的PNR订位记录。Travel service provider must not re-use the cancelled inventory of one customer for another customer, even if the other customer desires an identical itinerary. A new PNR must be created in such case.