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这所房子有可容纳20匹马的设备。The house has stabling for 20 horses.

如提供住房和舍饲设施。Inns provided shelter and stabling facilities.

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如果这种状况不改变,随着弱势群体的规模逐渐庞大,将会影响社会的稳定。If the present from conditions is not changed, it will have a bad effect on society stabling.

提出了一种基于普克尔效应实现的稳定纳秒级激光脉冲幅度的方法。A new method of amplitude stabling for nanosecond laser pulse was proposed based on Pockels effect.

通过一个政府债务稳定问题简例,说明了算法的有效性。Finally, an example about government debt stabling problem illustrated the validation of this algorithm.

那天晚上,他正走在码头边,一个瘦得像纸片的男孩走上前来,问他把马放在哪个马厩。That evening, as he walked by the docks, a slip of a boy came up and asked where he was stabling his horse.

传统上,由于建造大结构的停车库很贵,停车区大多是室外的。Train stabling areas are traditionally outdoors largely because of the expense of constructing large sheds.

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因此,稳定家庭承包经营制度的核心问题就是稳定完善农村土地承包关系。So, the key question of the stabling family contract system is improving the contract relationship of rural land.

我当时上身未着寸缕,感受到的冲击就像被数百根针同时刺到一样。I was bare from the waist up, and the blast was so intense, it felt like hundreds of needles were stabling me all at once.

系统灵敏度可通过设计光源功率稳定电路和温度控制电路得到进一步提高。The sensitivity can be improved by designing light source power stabling circuit and constant temperature controlling circuit.

传统的民间习俗为区域的社会稳定与经济繁荣发展提供一定的保障。Traditional folk conventions act as a function of stabling the regional society and promoting the regional economical development.

铁路沿线设有6个新车站,即油塘站、调景岭站、将军澳站、坑口站、宝林站和于86区的车站。A railway depot, to be provided in Area 86, for stabling trains and maintenance required for the operation of the Tseung Kwan O Line.

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第八,建立健全教师激励机制,稳定教师队伍,促进师资研究成果创新。Eighth, establishing the perfect teacher drive mechanism, stabling teachers troop and promoting the teachers'research results innovation.

更让人觉得身心愉快的地方是那些建得更宽大的酒馆,在那里可以提供食物、马厩和各种类型的餐厅及会议室。More salubrious were inns, much larger establishments, which might offer food, stabling for horses, and a variety of dining and meeting rooms.

基础设施与车辆维修棚位于试车道和道渣棚之间车辆段的西北段。The infrastructure and maintenance vehicle shed is located in the north-western section of the depot between the test road and the stabling shed.

在现代企业中,内部审计作为监督、保障的主要环节,是企业持续稳定发展不可或缺的因素。In the modern business enterprise, As the main function of inspection and protection, internal auditing is an necessary factor of stabling and development.

通过实践探索出开炉的改进方法,并在实际中应用取得开炉时间缩短,电极稳定,消耗降低的良好效果。It probes into new blow-in method in practice, and it reaches a better result of shorting the time of blow-in , stabling electrode and reducing consumption.

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数字化道路照明节能监控系统采用单灯稳压降流节能技术,克服集中控制所带来的问题。Digital Street Lamp Lighting Saving Energy Monitor and Control System use single lamp stabling voltage and reducing current technology, overcome the problems.

厂内所有动线标准化,以便提高人员及设备之效率,并将品质稳定落于管制区间。In factory, all operational circulation has been standardized, with the aim of enhancing the personnel and the equipment efficiency, and stabling the quality on the control sector.

全面勘探开发,有望成为中国石油工业“稳定东部,发展西部”战略接替的首选地区。Intensively exploring and developing this area, it would be the first choice for the tactic succeeding area of"stabling east and developing west"of the petroleum industry of China.