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这支部队仓皇溃逃。The troops fled in disorder.

她患的是代谢紊乱。She has a metabolic disorder.

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偏执人格障碍?Paranoid personality disorder?

你可能患了睡眠障碍症。You may have a sleep disorder.

反社会人格障碍?Antisocial personality disorder?

忧虑会引起胃部不适。Anxiety may disorder the stomach.

运动障碍是一种运动功能的紊乱。Dyspraxia is a movement disorder.

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永恒的爱还是紧张骚动?。Enternal love or nervous disorder?

敌人趁黑夜狼狈溃逃。The enemy fled in disorder by night.

这个房间凌乱不堪。The room was in a state of disorder.

天下大乱才能天下大治。THERE is great disorder under heaven.

睡眠障碍能算一种精神错乱吗?Can a sleep disorder qualifyasinsanity?

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我没有秩序,我处于深深的失序中。I have no order, I am in deep disorder.

夜行性与睡眠相关饮食失调症Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder

于是堪萨斯全区的混乱仍在继续。The civil disorder in Kansas continued.

什么是双相情感障碍的进程?What Is the Course of Bipolar Disorder?

专家说这种疾病不能够治愈。Experts say the disorder neve goes away.

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他开发了一种在他的内耳疾病。He developed a disorder in his inner-ear.

通向混乱之路是条有去无回的单行道。The road to disorder is a one-way street.

于是我决定恶补我的瑜伽知识。I decided to fix my Yoga Deficit Disorder.