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我不想吊在一棵枝形吊灯上。I don't want to dangle from a chandelier.

两颗雨点坠饰镶有透明密镶水晶。Two rain drops dangle in clear crystal pavé.

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她的耳环危悬如达摩克利斯之剑。and her earrings dangle like Damocles' sword.

这些标签将会替代条形码垂型标签。These tags will replace the bar-coded dangle tags.

保持屁股在墙上休息,同时让手臂挺直。Keep the bottom resting on the wall and let the arms dangle.

在埃伦·瓦宁,他会坐在划艇上摇晃著作为鱼饵的虫子。At Ellan Vannin he would sit in the rowboat and dangle a worm.

他们想用我们的个人信息同广告商们周旋。They want our personal information to dangle in front of advertisers.

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爱尔兰克拉达法国凯尔特心结耳丝钩丹格尔耳环。Irish Claddagh Celtic knot Heart French Ear Wire Hook Dangle Earrings.

猪排最棒。嗯嗯,从天花板上摇一摇它们。Pork chops are most satisfying. Mmmmmmm. Dangle them from the ceiling.

三枪金属立方体吊着从钥匙链,你可以夹在任何地方。Three gun-metal cubes dangle from a key chain that you can clip anywhere.

接着,杰西卡平躺在麦克的背上,两只胳膊在麦克的两侧晃来晃去。Jessika laid her back flat against Mac's, letting her arms dangle at his sides.

这一次,他试图在没有防护网的情况下倒吊着脚踝坚持60个小时。This time he's attempting to dangle by his ankles for 60 hours, without a safety net.

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雄体逮住一个小蝇在雌体面前晃动它,好像是在跳舞似的。The males catch a smaller fly and kind of dangle it in front of the females as they dance.

吊床车站,你可以晃晃悠悠地等待公交的到来。This is a hammock station. You can dangle to wait for the arrival of public transportation.

而实际上,州政府根本就不应该把这样的诱惑摆在这些妇女眼前。That's an enticement the federal government shouldn't allow states to dangle before these women.

飞行员的头后面悬挂着两个粉红色泡沫骰子,一只兔脚从仪表板上伸出来。Two pink foam dice dangle behind the pilots' heads, and a rabbit's foot juts from the dashboard.

松鼠们能在金属丝上奔跑,能在树枝上跳跃,还能不加思索地在树上荡秋千。Squirrels can run wires, hop branches and dangle from swinging tree limbs without a second thought.

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不同形状与尺寸的包边镶嵌水晶,优美地系于镀黑铬色项链上。Bezel-set crystals in different shapes and sizes dangle elegantly from the ruthenium-plated necklace.

水晶坠饰系于纤巧细致的饰链上,流露性感诱人、含蓄雅致的动感魅力。The crystals dangle on a very thin and refined chain to create a sensual movement and understated elegance.

他的下一个挑战准备在了星期五,这次华伦达要走过的钢丝停悬在蒙拿大州布兰森上空300尺的两架直升飞机之间。His next stunt is planned for Friday, when Wallenda will dangle from a helicopter, hovering 300 feet above Branson, Mo.