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谁做的民意调查?Who did the poll?

我们来做个调查。Let's take a poll.

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这次民意调查由谁资助?Who paid for the poll?

它还为谁做民意调查?Who else do they poll for?

关于出生顺序的调查。The poll about birth order.

在我们这里的调查处投票支持你最喜爱的照片吧。Vote for your favourite in our poll.

在这种情况下,客户端不需要进行轮询。In this case the client need not poll.

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此次评选活动中演员赵薇占得次席。Actress Zhao Wei ran second in the poll.

这是根据最新的美联社依普索民意调查得出的结论。That's according to a new AP Ipsos poll.

隔空齐行是普遍的调查反映。"Spacing out" is a common poll response.

中智客户满意度调查,虚幌还是实弹?A Poll among CIIC clients Are you serious?

让我们通过本周的投票知道您的答案。Let us know your answer in this week’s poll.

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模拟投票还可以显示候选人的能力。The poll also shows what a candidate can do.

该调查的对象为9岁到15岁的青少年。The poll is oriented to teenagers from 9 to 15.

夏洪波将招标比作民意测验。Xia has likened the auction to an opinion poll.

男士帮杂志举行读者投票已经是第16年了。The poll of FHM readers is now in its 16th year.

这让我有点失望,但是也不能会头啊。I was a bit disappointed but would not poll back.

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6月20日的一项民意调查显示出一种三足鼎立的态势。A June 20 poll had the race a three-way dead heat.

对1506位成年人的民意调查是在7月22日至26日进行的。The poll of 1,506 adults was conducted July 22-26.

一个公开的民意测验无法代替思考。A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.