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他非常虚弱,几乎是一瘸一拐地走进奥兰姆护理中心的。He was so frail he practically limped into the Aurum Care Centre.

拉基开始慢慢恢复走动,如今能从家里走到奥兰姆护理中心。Lucky slowly started walking again and can now walk from his home to the Aurum Care Centre.

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我期盼向其他入住奥兰姆护理中心的病人提供咨询,介绍我的经验。I look forward to sharing my experience by counseling other patients admitted to the Aurum Care Centre.

金之精炼——人性的精炼告诉了魔偶如何像人类一分子般行走在他们之中。Aurum — The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them.

铜、硫是以硫化矿状态存在,金、银矿物多呈包裹体状态存在于铜矿物中。Copper and sulfur exist in sulfide. Usually aurum and argentine exist in copper ore mostly in enfoldment state.

金创建的网站的风险相同的效果,但颜色是苍白足以让内容引人注目。The Aurum Newtech site risks the same effect, but the colour is just pale enough to keep the content noticeable.

我向奥兰姆护理中心的全体工作人员、我们的捐助者、特别是PEPFAR计划、前来看望的人们及家人表示真心感谢和致敬。I extend my sincere thanks and devotion to all the staff at the Aurum Care Centre, our donors, especially PEPFAR, visitors and families.

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那就选拉丁文吧,用于学术的语言,所以,iron就变成了Fe,表示铁元素,铅变成了,Pb,表示铅元素,金变成了Au,表示金元素,等等。Let's choose Latin, the language of scholarship, and so iron became Fe for ferrum and lead became Pb for plumbum and gold is Au for aurum and so on.

混合浮选再磨分离流程强化了铜硫矿物的分离,可有效地提高铜回收率及伴生金银回收率。The mixing floatation and remill separation flow strengthen the separation of copper sulfur ore and can efficiently improve copper and accompanying aurum and argentine recovery rate.

除贡金和富有者担任执政官或司法官所承担的费用外,元老们还要交纳一种用硬币支付的特别财产税。Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.