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我感到完全自由,毫无顾忌。I felt entirely free and unconcerned.

蒙德与这阴谋无关。Mond was unconcerned in the conspiracy.

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如果对事物漠不关心的话,感受也就无从谈起了。When we are unconcerned we don't feel anything.

景德镇瓷与汝瓷无关。Jingdezhen porcelain is unconcerned with Ru porcelains.

那时候哈尔顿早就消失了,鸭子看起来也无动于衷。By that time Haldon had vanished. Duck seemed unconcerned.

而我对这一切就是那么随便,懒惰,毫不在意。I simply had been too offhand about it, lazy, too unconcerned.

花匠背着一把铁铲,以极平常的口吻回答说The gardener, spade on back, replied in the most unconcerned tone

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你可能以为神对于你生活的其他部分不关心。And you may think God is unconcerned about the other parts of your life.

而且,美国多数官员似乎并不关心当前的局势。Still, U.S. officials seem largely unconcerned about the current situation.

耐克作为另外一个主要的篮球装备商家,似乎同样也是对盗版不太在意。Nike, another major outlet for basketball kit, seem equally unconcerned about knock-offs.

他们都身穿着白色的上衣,看上去显得茫然而冷淡,像是三张空白纸似的。In their matching white coats they appear as blank and unconcerned as three sheets of paper.

可我们不应全然不顾自身的精力或财力极限。And we should not be entirely unconcerned with where we place our limited energies or monies.

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他出去了。大拉尔夫带着疑问看着妻子。她吸了一口果汁,一点儿都不担心。He exits. Ralph, Sr. looks at his wife questioningly . She takes a sip of juice, unconcerned.

苏丹总统似乎对尚待决定的逮捕令要求并不担心。The Sudanese president appears unconcerned about the impending request for an arrest warrant.

尽管孕妇不应该经常洗热水浴,我的医生却并没有太担心。While expectant mothers should not hang out regularly in hot tubs, my doctor was unconcerned.

在我们身后,鳄鱼懒洋洋地浮在水面上,面目可憎,水牛在河边戏水,一副事不关己的模样。Crocodiles float lazily, menacingly, behind us and water-buffalo paddle unconcerned on the banks.

面对眼前显而易见的危险,这么多人怎么能如此轻率地无动于衷?How could so many people be so blithely unconcerned about immediate, obvious dangers around them?

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但是这条长着巨角的犀牛对我们无动于衷,继续安静地吃着它的草。However, the rhino, with its armour-plated head, seems unconcerned and continues to graze peacefully.

如果不关心数据的质量,就不必使用事务。If you're unconcerned about the quality of your data, you needn't concern yourself with transactions.

据房屋原来的主人斯基尔顿先生透露,在那次的塌陷之后,他还以为屋子是结结实实的建在坚固的岩石之上。After that collapse, Mr Skilton said he was unconcerned and insisted the house was built on solid rock.