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这就是典型的德国人。Typical Germans.

他是个典型的浪荡公子。He is a typical B. T. O.

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他是个典型的居家男人。He's a typical homebody.

一个典型的打地鼠游戏。A typical Whac-A-Mole game.

他是个典型的射手座.He's a typical Sagittarius.

我用的是经典的术语。I'm using the typical terms.

她是一名典型的家庭妇女。She was a typical housewife.

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Kevin是典型的家庭型男人。Kevin is a typical family man.

呵呵,典型的双重标准!Ha-ha, typical double standard!

贾府就是这个衰败的典型。Jia is typical of this decline.

这样的欺诈行为数不胜数。Such swindles were not typical.

典型的台语是那个呢?Which Taigi is the typical one?

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在一些地区算是风味菜。Yes, typical for a certain area.

一个典型的MINIT方法如下A typical MINIT method looks like

他是个典型的怕老婆丈夫。He is typical hen-pecked husband.

看来,他是个典型的粗人。He seems to be a typical redneck.

嘲弄是经典的反应。Derision was the typical reaction.

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他是个典型的“妻管严”。He is a typical henpecked husband.

林肯的答复也是文如其人。Lincoln's answer was also typical.

这是金属的典型值。That's a typical value for metals.