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如果停止或过敏发生重叠。Discontinue if superinfection or hypersensitivity occurs.

目的探讨恶性血液病合并二重感染相关情况。Objective To inquiry into the malignant blood disease merging superinfection.

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两组都没有出现二重感染,包括败血症和脓毒性休克。However, there were more episodes of superinfection , including new sepsis and septic shock.

结论HCV重复感染HBV,会加重肝损害,促使病情加剧。CONCLUSION HBV and HCV superinfection exacerbates hepatic damage and promote hepatic failure.

各组在治疗失败,重复感染或者不利的事件上无显著差异。No significant differences between groups in treatment failure, superinfection , or adverse events were found.

重复感染也有发生,12只半年又感染,10只两年又感染,1只两年感染4次。The superinfection also has the occurrence, 12 half year infects, 10 two years infect, 1 two years infect 4 time.

二重感染的发生与年龄、机体免疫力低下、抗生素的广泛使用及粒细胞减少有关。Superinfection was related with the age of patients, hypoimmunity, extensive usage of the antibiotics and neutropenia.

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结果表明,老年慢性肝病患者以HBV感染为主,其次是HBV和HCV重叠感染。These findings indicate that in elderly patients, the major infection was HBV, followed by HBV and HCV superinfection.

本文对近年来国内外有关病毒性肝炎多重感染的研究进展作了简要概述。In this paper, the research advance on coinfection and superinfection of hepatitis viruses in China and abroad in recent years was reviewed.

可以给予抗生素以降低角膜之感染,同时应减少或避免局部类固醇的使用。Topical antibiotics are used to minimize the risk of superinfection of the ulcer, and topical corticosteroid therapy should be minimized or avoided.