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亨利二世非常愤怒,就流放了贝克特。Henry II was so angry that he drove Becket in to exile.

1173年2月,教皇封托马斯为圣人和教会自由的殉道者。In February 1173 the pope declared Becket a saint and a martyr for the liberty of the church.

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年,亨利认为贝克特会帮助他实行法律改革,就让他当上了坎特伯雷大主教。In 1162 Henry made Becket Archbishop of Canterbury, thinking he would assist him in carrying out legal reforms.

贝克特主教至少也和希尔得布兰德一样放纵无度,然而他不但得到了光环,而且是以有史记载以来最快的速度得到的。Becket was at least as intemperate as Hildebrand, but he not only got his halo but did so in the fastest time on record.

间谍专家亨利斯安别其写到,二战中,在潜伏在英国的德国间谍其实也在为英国工作的。Spy expert Henry S. A. Becket writes that some germen spies worked in London during the war also worked for the British.

国王要求此教士到世俗法庭受审,但贝克特予以拒绝。The king demanded that the man should come forward to answer the charge in a civil court, but Becket refused to allow this.

次年,伦敦的主教法庭宣告被控犯有谋杀罪的贝德福郡教士无罪。A year after Becket became Archbishop, a clerk of Bedford was acquitted on a murder charge in the Bishop of Lincoln's court.

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而具有讽刺意味的是,亨利国王和许多人进而认为,此番化险为夷全赖圣人托马斯·贝克特的助佑。Yet he overcame it, and ironically he and many others came to believe that he owed his survival to the help of St Thomas Becket.

他们还创建它们的政治时代的注解,提供了引人入胜的解说耶稣的生命和托马斯·贝克特的谋杀。They are also annotations on the political era in which they were created, providing fascinating commentary on the life of Jesus and the murder of Thomas Becket.

Becket说,"你还必须要记得是大宗商品先开始下跌的.股票在5月的回调幅度较小,但大宗商品却暴跌.""You also have to remember that commodities started falling first. Equities had a minor correction back in May, but commodities corrected quite aggressively," Becket said.