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凯蒂吃肥肉不消化。Katie can't digest fat.

玛丽不能消化脂肪性食物。Mary Can' t digest fat.

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我要打个盹好让食物消化一下。I'll take a nap and digest.

而有些细胞可以降解胶原蛋白Some cells digest collagen.

奶酪不易被消化。Cheese doesn't digest easily.

能够消化食物。The body's able to digest food.

这是一周新闻摘要。指配以释议文字的提纲。This is a digest of the week's news.

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我不能将所有的信息融会贯通。I cannot digest all this information.

读者文摘给世界理家来欢笑。The world smiles with Reader's digest.

胃液能帮助消化。Gastric juices help us digest our food.

分泌胆汁,以助消化食物中的脂肪。Making bile to help digest fats from food.

在高空,食物比较难消化。Food is harder to digest at high altitudes.

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过了一会儿他才领悟那则坏消息。It took him a while to digest the bad news.

她要我们的汽车厂在西伯利亚Digest. Her wants our auto plants in Siberia.

吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.

我力图理解这篇有关核能的文章。I tried to digest this article on nuclear energy.

任何文字都应该简短并容易消化。Any other text should be short and easy to digest.

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下划线是限制性酶切位点。The underscores were the sites for restriction digest.

昨天吃了一些虎肉,这是没消化的东西。Yesterday ate some livestock, it is not digest things.

因为鱼被困住了,鲸鱼无法消化它们。Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them.