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从站直开始。Begin by standing tall.

我就系个度。I am standing right there.

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是电影院里没有“站席”。There is no standing room!

为王者应该站着死去。A King should die standing.

站在高高的山上。Standing on a mountain high.

一匹马站在草地上。A horse is standing in a lawn.

众人紧张地站立着。They are all standing tensely.

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抽血的老太太站立在那儿。An old lady was standing there.

我和阳光站在一起!I'm standing with the sunlight.

我们正站在悬崖边。We are standing at a precipice.

他正靠门站着。He is standing against the door.

他靠墙站着。He is standing against the wall.

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这座建筑物四周围着一圈士兵。The men were standing in a ring.

船在驶离海岸,开向大海。The ship is standing off to sea.

身为皇帝,死也要顶天立地!An emperor ought to die standing.

另一个保安站在那里。Another guard was standing there.

冬冬正站在椅子上面。Dongdong's standing on the chair.

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他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。He's standing trial for thieving.

这匹在马赛中获胜的马现在用作了种马。The Derby winner is now standing.

这里你是定立在身内。You're standing here in the body.