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我的专业是化学.I major in Chemistry.

是化学奖。He got it in chemistry.

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物理是他的主修科目。His major is chemistry.

化学?人类学?Chemistry? Anthropology?

她主修化学。She majors in chemistry.

是通过对化学反应和共同进化的研究。Chemistry and coevolution.

我在化学方面是个劣等生。I was a dunce at chemistry.

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他专门研究化学。He specialises in chemistry.

盐化工业园区。Salt Chemistry Industry Park.

她只不过是随便搞一下化学。She just dabbles in chemistry.

化学是人文科学。Chemistry is the human science.

她的主修科目是化学。Her major subject is chemistry.

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分光镜之于化学的革命。and the spectroscope, chemistry.

她开始学习化学。She commenced studying chemistry.

这是大分子化学。This is macromolecular chemistry.

现在化学是如何起作用的?And how does modern chemistry work?

我是旷了四节化学课。I've missed four chemistry classes.

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她给某班学生上化学课。She instructs a class in chemistry.

他们得补考化学。They were conditioned in chemistry.

量子化学仍处于发展初期。Quantum chemistry is in its infancy.