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这是一种味淡的烟。This is a mild tobacco.

每枝香烟烟草减。Less tobacco per cigarette.

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他身上有一股浓烈的烟草味。He smells of strong tobacco.

大烟草商获得了一个巨大的胜利。A big victory for Big Tobacco.

香烟则是另一个大杀手。Tobacco is another big killer.

那家商店获许经销烟草。The shop was d to sell tobacco.

他甚至学会了咀嚼烟叶。He even learned to chew tobacco.

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那么,为什么不使用烟草植物呢?So, hey, why not tobacco plants?

房间刚才弥漫着烟草的臭味。The room reeked of tobacco just now.

他给烟斗再添满烟草。He replenished his pipe with tobacco.

我会坚持抽烟斗烟草和雪茄。I'llstick to pipe tobacco and cigars.

香料烟是一种芳香型烟叶。Oriental tobacco is an aromatic leaf.

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霉菌和真菌迅速弃土烟草。Mold and fungus spoil tobacco quickly.

那家商店获许经销烟草。The shop was licensed to sell tobacco.

这家商店获准经销烟草商品。This shop is licensed to sell tobacco.

烟草导致其多达半数使用者死亡。Tobacco kills up to half of its users.

你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?

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他任由烟草水滴淌到他的下巴。He drooled tobacco juice over his chin.

他把烟丝紧塞在烟斗里。He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe.

烟草类股表现也不错。Tobacco stocks also have done decently.