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它至多算是一个非常迂回的途径。At best, it is a very circuitous mechanism.

道路是迂回的而且往往是冗长的。The route is circuitous and often redundant.

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为何要这般兜圈子呢?Why was he now taking so circuitous a route?

因此,朱先生便来到了电影制作的前线。Chus circuitous path to the front lines of filmmaking.

比特曼采取了迂回的路径,他的工作在“纽约时报”。Bittman took a circuitous path to his job at the Times.

容不下任何迂回曲折的温暖。It can not accept any circuitous twists and turns of warmth.

想想事实上的迂回战术吧,什么事情都不要硬对硬地交锋。Think of the fact, what circuitous tactics are not hard to hard.

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许多外来植物是通过极其迂回曲折的道路引进的。Many alien plants have become introduced by highly circuitous routes.

有时候她果断而迂回曲折地筹划对我们的谋杀计划。Sometimes it takes decidedly circuitous routes in planning our demise.

或者通过某种拐弯抹角的逻辑漏洞草草掠过问题。Or it burrowed through the problem by some circuitous loophole of logic.

这位奥斯卡最佳导演奖得主进入好莱坞的道路非常曲折。The Academy Award-winning director followed a circuitous route to Hollywood.

七月十二日在俄国的厄尔布鲁士山的顶点,他完成了这趟迂回的旅行。He finished his circuitous journey on the summit of Russia’s Mt. Elbrus on July 12.

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这位奥斯卡最佳导演奖得主进入好莱坞的道路非常曲折。James Cameron The Academy Award-winning director followed a circuitous route to Hollywood.

列宁利用资本主义的思想是他的迂回过渡理论的核心和精髓。Lenins thought of utilizing capitalism is the core and essence of his theory of circuitous transition.

还介绍了变阻抗电流控制的电路原理和应用范围。The circuitous philosophy and the application range of rheostatic current control are also introduced.

非营利的状态的好处是几乎不用迂回就可以直接获得一些资金来源。The advantages of non-profit status are few, beyond less circuitous access to certain sources of funds.

我已经说明了一些迂回路线,我们已经采取措施来达成我们目前的凯门鳄命名。I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature.

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柴可夫斯基经历了一条曲折的道路才到达音乐的国土,并且几乎是出于偶然。Like other great Russian composers, Tschaikovsky arrived at music by a circuitous route, almost by accident.

作为冰岛任期最长的议员,西于尔扎多蒂通往总理的路途漫长而且曲折。For Sigurdardottir, Iceland's longest serving MP, it has been a long and somewhat circuitous route to the top.

香港海关相信走私份子利用迂迴路线偷运私烟,以逃避海关的打击。Hong Kong Customs believed that smugglers had attempted to use circuitous routings to evade Customs crackdown.