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改变一个习惯。Change one habit.

这是一个关键的习惯。This is the key habit.

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习惯已经支使了你。the habit has got you.

习惯成自然。Habit is second nature.

吃茶品茗没有是个好风俗。Tea is not a good habit.

长春藤有攀缘向上的习性。Ivy has a climbing habit.

你拥有了健康的习惯。You have a healthy habit.

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一种害怕改变的习惯。A habit of fearing change.

他养成一种恶习。He contracted a bad habit.

他没有吸烟的嗜好。He has no habit of smoking.

他有边阅读边做笔记的习惯。He has the habit of making.

用习惯去克服习惯。One habit overcomes another.

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习惯吃甜点心、巧克力。Habit for dessert, chocolate.

花花有个不好的习惯。Huahua does have a bad habit.

我做事都是照习惯的。I do everything by habit one.

晨读是个好习惯。Morning-reading is a good habit.

执行力强,有良好的5S习惯。Have good execution and 5S habit.

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强颜欢笑,是莪面对妳时旳习惯。I smile, when you face the habit.

这是一种对健康有害的习惯。It is a habit inimical to health.

没准儿可以改掉他的坏习惯。It may cure him of his bad habit.