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人老了就往往有内急失禁现象。People often become incontinent when they get very old.

翻译地下水由于无节制的使用而枯竭了。The underground water was exhausted by incontinent use.

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您有可能导致被失禁社交焦虑症。Being incontinent can cause you to have social anxiety disorder.

一个incontinent的人contain不住他身体生产的副产品。Someone who is incontinent can’t contain the byproducts our bodies produce.

问卷也包括了关于失禁患者用具使用的问题。Questions about supplies used for incontinent patients were included as well.

中年妇女小便失禁是怎么回事?用什么药物治疗呢?Is middleaged woman pee incontinent how be to return a responsibility? With what to medication?

有没有什么良方可以治小孩大便失禁?What effective prescription to have to you can control child have a bowel movement incontinent?

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不顾她已经失禁的现实,医生告诉她她需要接受物理治疗。The doctor ignored the fact that she was doubly incontinent and told her she needed physiotherapy.

在老年,许多人成为困惑和混合时吃或更衣室或他们大小便失禁。In old age, many persons become confused and mixed up when eating or dressing or they become incontinent.

这些病人记不住家里的门牌号码,失禁,并且生活不能自理。These patients were unable to recognize family members, incontinent and unable to get around on their own.

发作中无大小便失禁及咬破舌头,身体极少有外伤。Relieve oneself is not had in fit incontinent reach bite broken tongue, the body is extremely rare and traumatic.

许多肠道腹泻患者发病的一个重要诱因是无节制饮用冰镇水。A when patients of a lot of alvine path diarrhoea come on important inducement is water of incontinent drinkable iced.

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大学生活的糜烂与意淫、在大学讲台上的一次演讲、走到他人的世界中去感受、批判与改造自己。Feel, criticize and rebuild himself in others' world with such scenes as his incontinent college days and a speech at the platform.

前列腺癌的治疗能导致显著的伤害,使男人尿失禁或者阳痿,或者其他的尿道,肠道、膀胱问题。Treatments for prostate cancer can cause significant harm, rendering men incontinent or impotent, or with other urethral, bowel or bladder problems.

当完全被分离的模式,病人大小便失禁,不能自己进食,并且不能说出他的名字、地点和生日。When fully depatterned, patients were incontinent of urine and feces, unable to feed themselves, and unable to state their name, location, or the date.

她患有双重失禁,就在20年前当她双手的手指弯曲到一种完全失去功能时,患上了天鹅脖畸形脖。She is doubly incontinent and the swan neck deformity which began 20 years ago in all fingers of both hands has now twisted them to a state of utter uselessness.

澳大利亚一家公司上周五宣布,该公司研制出世界上首款电子内裤,并介绍这款电子内裤在使用者失禁时能及时发送文字信息。An Australian company on Friday announced the rollout of what it said were the world's first electronic underpants, saying its product was able to send text messages if the wearer became incontinent.