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我镇静的忍受着死对我的大轰炸。I suffer from sedation die for my big bombing.

☆无☆效☆退☆款☆减。肥不节食,镇静瘦。身不挨饿!Fat without dieting, sedation and thin. The body is not hungry!

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我的心灵,镇静的忍受着无穷无尽的死亡对我的大轰炸。My heart, sedation of enduring endless death of my big bombing.

冷冻消融治疗需要镇静,治疗时间大约30-40分钟。Cryoablation therapy takes about 30 to 40 minutes and requires sedation.

针对干性、有斑、成熟和发炎皮肤,具抗菌、镇静作用。For dry, grouper, mature and inflammation of the skin, an antibacterial , sedation.

他仍处在镇静剂的作用下。为什麽你们俩不回家休息一下?Hell be under sedation for a while. Why dont the two of you go home, get some rest?

他们常常表现出极少的镇定和更少的症状,如疲劳或瞌睡。They tended to report less sedation and fewer symptoms like tiredness or sleepiness.

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目的观察中国被毛孢发酵物对小鼠的镇静作用。Objective To observe the sedation of Hirsutella Sinensis Strain Fermentation in mice.

它本身没有阿片类相关的恶心、呕吐等副作用。The drug itself is free of opioid-related side-effects including sedation and vomiting.

我蜜月旅行的第一个晚上是服用镇静剂后在休斯敦机场度过噢,是吗?。I spent the first night of my honeymoon in the Houston airport under sedation. Oh, yeah?

根据仿真结果,分析了仿真系统的可信性。In the light of simulation results, the creditability of the sedation system is analyzed.

镇静作用可能会让你忘记医生在造影检查后的指示。The effects of sedation may make you forget what you were instructed after the procedure.

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结论临床应用BIS和SEF预测异丙酚镇静程度是可信的。Conclusion Using BIS and SEF to predict the depth of propofol-induced sedation is reliable.

使用耳镜检查时,注意限制动物的活动,必要时给予麻醉剂。Careful restraint or sedation or even anaesthesia is necessary to prevent damage during otoscopy.

镇静健忘慢诱导经鼻插管是一种比较好的方法。Sedation amnesia and slow induction in pernasal intubation was an effective way for the operation.

辉瑞公司说,报告的儿童服用齐拉西酮的比成年人更感到嗜睡或镇静。Pfizer said children taking Geodon were more likely than adults to report feeling sleepy, or sedation.

氟哌啶醇和五氟利多等,其明显的镇静作用可降低患者的性要求。Haloperidol and five Penfluridol and so on, its obvious sedation can reduce the patient's requirements.

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目的观察不同剂量咪唑安定辅助硬膜外麻醉术中镇静效果及对围术期遗忘的作用。Objective To investigate the sedation and amnestic effect of varied dosage of Midazolam in epidural anesthesia.

目的研究马缨丹根水煮醇提部位的镇痛镇静作用。Objective To study on effects of analgesic and sedation of Lamtana camara L. by water alcohol extracted location.

异丙酚、咪唑安定、瑞芬太尼都有产生适度镇静的药理学特性。Propofol, midazolam, and remifentanil hae ideal pharmacokinetic properties for the proision of moderate sedation.