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他们正从山坡上采大理石。They are quarrying the hillside for marble.

该办法包括采石与取土两大方面。The approach includes the quarrying and sand two areas.

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隧道内开采花岗岩料石在国内尚属首例。Moorstone quarrying in tunnel is a first case carried out in China.

第三十九条国家实行河道采砂许可制度。Article 39 The State applies a licensing system for sand quarrying in river courses.

年内执行的有一份采石合约及三份复修石矿场合约。In1999 one quarrying contract and three quarry rehabilitation contracts were in force.

年内执行的有一份采石合约及三份复修石矿场合约。In 1999, one quarrying contract and three quarry rehabilitation contracts were in force.

经过砖块获得非木材建材制造或挖出是石头采矿的物体。Acquiring non-wood building materials through brick making or quarrying was the object of Stone Mining.

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所积盈余用以伐木采石,自运备料,随筹随建。Surplus product by quarrying for logging, since the transport preparation, with the chips built with the.

他们受雇于采矿,采石和建筑公司,也受雇于钻孔和爆破承包商。They are employed by mining, quarrying and construction companies and by drilling and blasting contractors.

爆破工需要具备地表采矿和采石或建筑爆破帮手的经验。Experience as a blaster helper in surface mining and quarrying or construction may be required for blasters.

河道采砂许可制度实施办法,由国务院规定。Measures for implementing the licensing system for sand quarrying in river courses shall be formulated by the State Council.

瓷石与高岭土的矿物成分不同,成因有别,在开采和加工方法上也有区分。Porcelain stone and kaolin have different ingredients and origins so that they have different methods of quarrying and processing.

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还有一些人相信宾夕法尼亚州雷丁的采石作业引发了该地区一系列规模较小的地震。A quarrying operation in Reading, Pa., is believed by some seismologists to have set off a series of smaller quakes in that region.

他们的技术高超,熟悉世界上最新和最先进的采石技术。They're all technically savvy, and familiar with the latest and the most advanced quarrying techniques available anywhere in the world.

年内使用爆炸品最多的是采石工程和地盘平整工程,总消耗量为2100公吨。The largest use of explosives during the year was for quarrying and site formation works. The overall consumption of explosives was 2100 tonnes.

文中详细介绍了用硐爆破技术毛料开采的设计和施工及其优缺点。Both the design and construction of the raw material quarrying with the cave blasting technology and its merits and defects are introduced in detail herein.

第三十九条国家实行河道采砂许可制度。河道采砂许可制度实施办法,由国务院规定。Article 39 The state shall apply a license system for sand quarrying. The sand quarrying license implementation measures in the riverway shall be provided by the state.

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茂通源石材成立于1993年,位于河北省石家庄市,是集矿山开采、产品生产为一体的综合性企业。Maotongyuan Stone founded in 1993, and the factory locate in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. It's a stone factory, especially focus on Shanxi Black quarrying and production.

工程署辖下的矿务及石矿部,负责执行有关采矿、采石和爆炸品的法例,并管理采石合约。The Mines and Quarries Division of the Civil Engineering Department enforces legislation relating to mining, quarrying and explosives, and administers quarrying contracts.

当时,常常派犯人到土伦周围的那些高丘上去采取岩石,他们便时常持有矿工的器械。Convicts were, at that period, sometimes employed in quarrying stone from the lofty hills which environ Toulon, and it was not rare for them to have miners' tools at their command.