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这些日子真紧张。These are hectic days.

赤面恐怖症是可以治疗的。Hectic phobophobia can be cured.

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事情变得有点乱了.Things were starting to get a little hectic.

黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨。Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red.

时间真的很紧张呢。It can really turn into a pretty hectic schedule.

对于波波维奇,讲习班,为繁忙的日程。For Popovic, the workshops make for a hectic schedule.

本周家中的事情将非常忙乱。this week will be rather hectic on the domestic scene.

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新戏演出的最初几周都是有点忙的。The first couple of weeks of a new show is pretty hectic.

这十年来,你的生活一直是席不暇暖的,难道你不觉得累吗?Aren't you tired of your hectic life over the past ten years?

梅尔维尔似乎发现伊希梅尔是个讨厌的人。In Melville as in Allen Poe there is a sort of hectic excess.

这里的事情是有点忙不过来。仅此而已。Things have just been a little hectic around here , that's all.

我发现晚上去比较好,因为晚上没有家庭主妇去买东西,而且比较安静。I find it better to go at night. No housewives, and less hectic.

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他们的日常工作变得忙乱,支离破碎,顶着巨大的压力。The resulting daily routine is pressured, hectic and fragmented.

这只能概括为忙忙碌碌和臭烘烘。Instead the neighborhood would best be described as hectic and smelly.

但不知道为什么,他又挤出时间把忙碌的时间表安排得更紧凑。But somehow, he's found time to cram even more into his hectic schedule.

它应该是个平和、安静的地方,是我们忙碌生活中的天堂。It should be a place of peace and serenity, a haven from our hectic lives.

他所激起的反应狂热有余而深挚不足。The response he evoked was a little more hectic and a little less profound.

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那是一年前的圣诞节前夕,在德克萨斯州克利本的沃尔玛商场,人群熙熙攘攘,一片繁忙景象。Christmas Eve, a year ago. The Wal-Mart in Cleburne, Texas, was jammed, hectic.

我的工作范围包括住院病人,门诊病人,已经急诊室,那里通常都是手忙脚乱的。I work with inpatients, outpatients and in the emergency room, which is hectic.

诸圣日前夕是一年中最忙乱的时候,要想在这个时候康复是没有可能的。It was the most hectic time of the year and there was no possibility of healing.