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这是一个更多关于代码的演练。This is a code heavy walkthrough.

介绍这三个代码片断主要是为了提供进一步说明。Walkthrough for these snippets is intended to provide further clarification.

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我将在今后单独撰写一篇文章详细描述虚拟应用程序。A future article will provide a more thorough walkthrough of virtual applications.

至此,我们在这个程序中使用的所有功能性组件就介绍完了。This completes the walkthrough of all of the functional components we have in this program.

可以利用下一节的代码分析快速启动一个定制项目。You can use the walkthrough presented in the next section to jump-start a customized project.

其中两个步骤是识别出源文件并口头预排计划。Two of the activities are identifying source files and doing a verbal walkthrough of the plan.

本演练演示如何创建可识别华氏温度字符串的智能标记。This walkthrough demonstrates creating a smart tag that recognizes Fahrenheit temperature strings.

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在此演练中,您将学习如何制定和执行的一项基本内容,ASP。In this walkthrough , you'll learn how to develop and implement a basic content rating system in ASP.

人们因害怕受到病人的攻击,因此在经过这个病房的时候都背靠着墙根走。People would walkthrough that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients.

在电子游戏中,“攻略”指用于玩家打通关的文件。这最常用到的“攻略”的意思了。词是怎么来的呢?In video games, a walkthrough is a document which attempts to teach a player how to beat or solve a particular game.

举例,如果你选择巡视你的家,大门应该是第一个引起注意的特征物。If you picked a walkthrough in your home, for example, the first noticeable feature would probably be the front door.

它包括对线性事件的彻底预排,并在带有样本数据源的时间轴上描绘了图形框架。It contains an in-depth walkthrough of a linear story, represented as graphical frames on a timeline with sample data.

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提出一种高性能的外存地形场景实时漫游技术。This paper puts forward a high performance technique for real-time walkthrough of the large-scale terrain environments.

我们本该避免这种“错误”,我们应该在早期的需求审阅和走查阶段就咨询客户。We would have avoided this "error" had the customer been consulted in the early requirement-review and walkthrough phases.

在国家馆日这天,3D版的360度“感性城市”虚拟全景游览页面在网上推出。On the occasion of the National Pavilion Day, a 3D and 360-degree virtual walkthrough of the " Sensual City " was launched online.

他们从你的想法中挑选了一个或几个潜力股,并期待与你一起调整这些想法。They have picked out oneor several potential winners from among your ideas and are keen to walkthrough tweaks and changes with you.

这个演示演示了如何配置和使用ASP.NET应用程序服务。此演练被分为以下几部分。This walkthrough shows how to configure and use ASP. NET application services. The walkthrough is divided into the following parts.

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代码走查“的概念是单独或者和别人一起,通过查看或讨论学习你们的代码,的一个过程。The idea of a "code walkthrough" refers to the process of walking through your code verbally or visually with or without other people.

本攻略旨在以保守稳妥和从容不迫的态度关注于游戏基本层面的探索。This guide’s Campaign walkthrough tends to be conservative and deliberate, with an emphasis on exploring fundamental aspects of the game.

为代码重构所提供的项目模板中并没有包含可用的演示程序,但是在此我们可以使用快速修正教程中所展示的相同技术。The project template for code refactoring doesn’t include a usable demo, but the same techniques shown in the Quick Fix walkthrough can be used here.