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但是,什么才会如写作风格一样给人启示呢?But what is just as revelatory is the style.

有些文字纯属陈词滥调,但置身当场却能给人以启示。Written down, these are platitudes, but the effect on the spot is revelatory.

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其哲理性具有直觉性、抽象性、启示性等特点。Intuitive, abstract, and revelatory are the characteristics of the philosophy.

书中将英语语言与伊格博韵律、故事以及谚语糅合,很具有启发性。Its splicing of English with Igbo rhythms, stories and proverbs was revelatory.

因此,上帝是发现在整个的生活,而不只是在圣经中或少数几个启示事件。Thus God is found in the whole of life and not just in the Bible or a few revelatory events.

然而,在我动身前往罗马前不久,我和我母亲进行了一场启示性的对谈。But then I'd had a revelatory conversation with my mother, not long before I'd left for Rome.

没有任何需要特别说明的地方,这些都是非常基本的东西。There shouldn't be anything particularly revelatory here -- this is about as basic as it gets.

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没有哪种有关自杀的理论或理性的分析能够如这些话一样富有启发性。No theory of suicide, no philosophical discourses on the subject are quite so revelatory as these words.

本文所提供的框架集成电路概念对广大科研和生产人员具有启发性。The conception of Frame ASICs in this paper is very developmental and revelatory for researchers and engineers.

鸠山幸的这本启示性书籍出版于去年,但是直到现在她的那些怪癖才成为日间电视节目的素材。His wife's revelatory book was published last year, but only now have her foibles become staples of daytime television.

对雷来说,真理是具有启示性的,这个潘朵拉盒子的威胁不但能够颠覆蒂尔尼的遗产,而且能够颠覆整个纽约警察局。For Ray, the truth is revelatory , a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.

仔细一想,这句话何止对作协,就是对其他部门行业也都有启示意义。Think carefully, this word far more than is opposite assist, also have revelatory sense to other department industry namely.

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假设在汇整资料时,你发现相关的新事实—也许不致于让整篇文章改头换面,但的确是发前人之所未发。Let's say you uncover a revelatory fact while compiling data—not a game-changer, perhaps, but definitely a piece of new information.

冷战结束后,随着超级核武库规模的缩小,有专家认为“末日钟”失去了启示意义。After cold war ends, as dimensions of super nucleus arsenal contractible, the expert thinks " doomsday clock " lost revelatory sense.

就像在战争博物馆时一样,这个时刻具有启示性,令我突然清晰地认识到,美国冒险进攻越南完全是徒劳之举。As in the war museum, the moment is revelatory. It makes me realise with sudden clarity the futility of the whole US venture in Vietnam.

除了中华龙鸟外,其他几块具有启示意义的标本皆出自业余挖掘者的手中。In addition to Sinosauropteryx, several other revelatory specimens came to light through amateurs rather than at scientific excavations.

就算医生对他的健康状况开绿灯,德米扬鲁克的审判将很有可能是波澜不惊的,也不会对犹太人种族屠杀有什么重大贡献。Even if doctors rule him fit, Mr Demjanjuk’s trial may prove risky without being revelatory. It will not shed new light on the Holocaust.

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那就是为什麽,这这机智警语非常具有启示性,而且具有我所谓「无意识的形成」的影响的特色。That is why the witticism is most revelatory and most characteristic of the effects of what I called "the formations of the unconscious".

而他们的副手同样也会倾向于在备忘录中少记录会引发争议的评论、能带来启发的决定或者引发矛盾的策略。Deputies will be less inclined to describe potentially controversial, revelatory or explosive comments, decisions and strategies in memos of record.

回忆录的内容听起来令人沮丧,但却被证明对一个孩子和使她迷醉的男人之间的关系具有启示性的描写。The memoir's content sounds distressing, but it proves to be a revelatory portrayal of the relationship between a child and the man who enchants her.