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星海在闪烁。Oceans of stars blinking.

他只是一个劲的眨眼睛。He was just kind of blinking.

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眼球的频繁转动和眼脸的迅速闪动Rapid eye movement and blinking

我使它弹起,它开始闪烁。I bounce it, it starts blinking.

但是同步眨眼呢?But what about synchronized blinking?

爱情它是个难题,让人目眩神迷。Love it is a problem, people blinking.

眨眼睛能使眼睛湿润而觉得舒适。Blinking lubricates the eye and rests it.

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所以应该养成有规律地眨眼睛的习惯。Get into the habit of blinking regularly.

我们沉默的站着,打着哈欠,眨着眼睛。We stood in the yawning silence, blinking.

你是说那个红黄绿闪烁的东西吗?You mean the red-yellow-green blinking thing?

他局促地眨着眼睛,脸容苍白,面露惧色。Blinking nervously, he looked pale and scared.

几十个指示灯只有几个还在闪烁着。Only a few of the dozens of ights are blinking.

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他的眼睛一眨也不眨的盯着电视屏幕看。He stared at the TV screen without even blinking.

到了下一个红黄绿闪烁的东西的地方左转。Turn left at the next red-yellow-green blinking thing.

令它闪烁的能量,从何而来?Where does the energy come from of the blinking light?

面对强烈的光线,她眯起了眼睛。She responded to the strong light by blinking her eyes.

突然的亮光使她的眼睛眨动。She responded to the sudden light by blinking her eyes.

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不要让闪烁的图标和弹出的窗口打断你的工作流程。Don't let blinking icons and pop-ups disrupt your work flow.

通过有线隐形眼镜,只要眨一眨眼,我们就能够到网上冲浪了。We’ll go online, thanks to wired contact lenses, by blinking.

计算机没有这么多种类的闪烁光信号。Computers don't have so much the same kind of blinking lights.