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宪兵队对这点矛盾有说明吗?Did the gendarmerie say anything about this inconsistency?

虽然宪兵,是市场上的领先地位,市场正在迎头赶上。Although the gendarmerie is ahead of the market the market is catching up.

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法国国家宪兵队最近决定整改它的IT基建设施政策。France's Gendarmerie Nationale recently decided to review its IT infrastructure policies.

弗雷德护送两个发抖的人去附近的一个客店,我和剩下的两个人跑到警察局。Fred escorted his two shivering party members to a nearby inn while I and the remaining two literally ran to the gendarmerie post.

安曼新闻网站报道,安曼的抗议活动是在严密安全监视下进行的,警察、宪兵和特种部队围绕在示威区域四周。The Amman protest was held with a heavy security presence, with police, gendarmerie and special forces surrounding the area, the Ammon News website reported.

此举完成了宪兵的遣散从微软开始,在2005年时,它迁移到开源办公应用,如文字处理。The move completes the gendarmerie 's severance from Microsoft which began in 2005 when it moved to open sourcing for office applications such as word processing.

这位教务长指出,任何一个现代国家的支柱部是警察和宪兵,并广引博征德国和意大利的例子来论证这一点。The dean pointed out that the backbone of any modern country was its police force and its gendarmerie and he made numerous references to Italy and Germany to prove his case.

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俞显扬听到这里,不禁想起潜入宪兵队救人当晚,自己亲眼目睹了吴闰官因为坐错位置而被日本人责骂。Yu Xianyang heard here, can not help but think of the gendarmerie to sneak into the rescue that night, he witnessed Wu Runguan because sit in the wrong position and be Japanese.

实际上,它有一支专业化的军队,尽管很小,却主要作为宪兵队来为地主们维持秩序,保护其财产并且猎杀逃跑的农奴。In fact, it had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served mainly as a gendarmerie for the landlords to keep order, protect their property, and hunt down runaway serfs.

首先是多样化的供应商,并减少该部队的依赖,对一公司,二是给宪兵队掌握操作系统和第三是成本,他说。The first is to diversify suppliers and reduce the force's reliance on one company, the second is to give the gendarmerie mastery of the operating system and the third is cost, he said.

半夜,余得水等人挟持了阿娇,贪生怕死的阿娇全盘托出了地道的事情,之后被带到宪兵队刑讯室,由高桥亲自审问。In the middle of the night, more than water holding A Jiao et al, the regiment A Jiao told the real thing, after being taken to the gendarmerie torture chamber, personally interrogated by takahashi.