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两心房是由薄壁构成的空腔。Both atria are thin walled muscular chambers.

心脏有两个心房与两个心室,四间房。A heart has two atria and two ventricles, four rooms.

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一小我惟有一个心脏,却有两个心房。A ma powerful has only one heart- there are two atria.

这种心房和心室收缩的结合称为一次心跳。The combined contraction of the atria and ventricles is a heartbeat.

这样血液会经过左右心房的瓣膜流入两个心室。This action pushes blood through the open valves from the atria into both ventricles.

他们的心房永远为我们而敞开。现在就告诉你的朋友你有多在乎他们。Their atria is opened for us for ever, now tell your friend and you are so carefully them.

在心脏舒张期,心房和心室放松,血液开始流入。During diastole, the atria and ventricles of your heart relax and begin to fill with blood.

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所谓心室是指心脏较下方的两个腔室,而心房是指心脏上部的两个腔室。The ventricles are the two lower chambers of the heart, and the atria are the two upper chambers.

房室结消融结点的导管消融永久性妨碍从心房到心室的传导。Catheter ablation of the AV junction permanently interrupts conduction from the atria to the ventricles.

RUPV靠近心外膜的脂肪垫,而脂肪垫内有支配心房的迷走神经节及节后纤维。Meanwhile, RUPV is very close to the epicardial fat pads thereby the efferent vagal innervation to atria.

健康瓣膜的开合会严密配合心房与心室的泵血动作。Healthy valves open and close in coordination with the pumping action of your heart's atria and ventricles.

心房内形成血栓的原因是部分没有正常流入心室的血液在心房内形成了“血池”。Blood clots can form in the atria because some of the blood "pools" there instead of flowing into the ventricles.

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心房颤动是最常见的持续性心律失常之一,危害着人们的生命健康。Atria fibrillation is one of durative arrhythmia of the most familiar, it is harmful to healthiness of the people.

先天性左房壁瘤是一种罕见疾病,分心包内型与心包外型。Congenital aneurysm of left atria is rare disease that is devided into intrapericardial and extrapericardial types.

随着心房的再次充血和窦房结电信号的再次产生,这个过程会一直重复下去。This process continues over and over as the atria refill with blood and other electrical signals come from the SA node.

塔楼的两个基座跨越埃德加街,然后螺旋上升,在中间合二为一,然后再分成两个大厅。The tower’s two bases straddle Edgar Street and then spiral up, joining in the middle before splitting off into two atria.

结果心室就失去了正常放松和扩张充血的能力,进而会导致心房增大。As a result, the ventricles cannot relax normally and expand to fill with blood, which causes the atria to become enlarged.

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房间隔缺损不产生明显心脏杂音,因为心房之间压力差很小。An atrial septal defect is unlikely to produce a loud murmur because of the minimal pressure differential between the atria.

结论消融右肺静脉脂肪垫使高位右心房房颤诱发率降低及房颤诱发窗口变窄,却使左房、右上肺静脉房颤诱发率升高及房颤诱发窗口增宽。CONCLUSION RPV fat pad RFA decreases the induction of AF at the HRA, while increases the induction at the left atria and the RSPV.

一些房颤患者似乎是被电活性肺静脉病灶触发,这些病灶能够触发心房使之纤维颤动。In some patients, AF seems to be triggered by electrically active pulmonary vein foci. These foci can trigger the atria to fibrillate.