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尤伯罗斯感觉到了这种共鸣。Ueberroth felt the vibration.

色彩是一种对光的感受。Color is a vibration of light.

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振动诊断程序?。VDP? Vibration Diagnostic Program?

振动支持萨伯瑞激动?Vibration support with Sabre Tingle?

甚至狼星、户星、宿星团星振动未跌低。Arcturus never fell so low in vibration.

比如平动,转动或振动。Let's say translation, rotation, vibration.

介绍了振动共混转矩流变仪。One vibration internal mixer is introduced.

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落砂机框体是振动的主体。Its frame is the main part of the vibration.

因为黄金的振动能改变反物质。The golden vibration transmutes anti-matter.

震动常常引起自行车许多零件的松动。Vibration often springs many parts of the bike.

臂膊折了骨,使它避免任何震动。He puts it in splints to keep it from vibration.

警告优先方式声波振动是可能的。WARNING-First mode acoustic vibration is probable.

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激振器是一种激励振动装置。The vibration exciter is a exciting vibration unit.

FS是由地震的震动工作原理。FS- Reflexion works with a seismic vibration system.

在那条弦上的震动模式是量子化的。The modes of vibration in that string are quantized.

一个可选的减振器的试剂盒也已经推出。An optional vibration isolator kit is also available.

他们的耳语有如风雨声。Its whisperings had the hoarse accent of a vibration.

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该方法电流波动小,无电流冲击与振荡现象。Current waved little, and had no strike and vibration.

发动机是汽车主要振源之一。Engine is one of the main sources of vehicle vibration.

少比四冲程和二冲程发动机的振动。Less vibration than four-stroke and two-stroke engines.