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本•罗杰斯家的干草棚里。In Ben Rogers' hayloft.

男娃子们在干草棚里。De boys up in de hayloft.

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我记得我和我哥哥,还有几个堂兄弟在他家的干草棚里玩得很起劲。I remember an athletic romp in his hayloft with my brother and some of the cousins.

科莱站在维莱特庄园高高的草棚上,瞪着眼睛看着计算机的显示器,惊奇不已。High in the hayloft at Chateau Villette, Collet stared at the computer monitor in amazement.

在工作室中,他们甚至以玻璃为棚,只为欣赏浩瀚星空的荧光闪闪。During the whole year a hayloft serves as a bed for them. They even made a glass roof above it to see the stars.

Simon蹑手蹑脚从干草棚的梯子上下来,这三个人已经象在壁炉前的老狗一样,打起了鼾。As Simon came quietly down the hayloft ladder, the three men were already snoring like old dogs before a fireplace.

他跑到谷仓,爬上草垛,打开铁罐,倒出所有硬币清点起来。He ran into the barn, climbed to the hayloft and uncovered the tin can. He poured the coins out and began to count.

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他跑进谷仓,爬上草垛,打开了那个罐子,倒出所有硬币,开始清点。He ran into the barn, climbed to the hayloft and uncovered the tin can. He poured the coins out and began to count.

夏天的时候范德伯格家的四个孩子、我妹妹和我会在谷仓里建城堡,冬天的时候我们会坐着雪橇穿过田野。The Funderburgs' four boys, my sisters, and I would construct forts in the hayloft in summer and go snowmobiling through the fields in winter.

埃弗里把青蛙装进兜里爬上了干草堆。“我上次在这荡秋千时,差点砰地一声撞到谷仓上的燕子呢。”他叫道。Avery put the frog in his pocket and climbed to the hayloft. "The last time I swang in this swing, I almost crashed into a barn swallow, " he yelled.