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什么时候杂种乐队也变成了经典摇滚?When did Motley Crue become classic rock?

可口可乐公司是一个傻瓜式收入的投资选择。Coca-Cola is a Motley Fool Income Investor pick.

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宝儿的多而烦杂是到现在截止我们最心爱的Morphs。The Motley Boa is by far one of our favorite Morphs.

这艘混杂战舰正朝泰洛驶来,进入了战斗警戒状态。With Tirol before it, the motley battlewagon went on combat alert.

一群大大小小的动物随着起跑的信号奔向不同的方向。At a signal, a motley group of animals ran in different directions.

同时他需要心理学技巧来管理他的形形色色的的船员。And he needed the psychological skills to manage his literally motley crew.

没有什么比这种队伍更奇特和光怪陆离的了。Nothing could be more bizarre and at the same time more motley than this troop.

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愚人身着彩衣,行囊系于杖上,一狗,一悬崖。The fool in colorful motley clothes, pack tied to a staff, a small dog, a cliff.

莫特利把坏人写得过于无赖,把他的英雄写得过于英勇。Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.

观众中各色人等都有,有地产所有者、租赁人和流浪汉。The audience consisted of a motley crowd of property owners, renters, and drifters.

如今的挑战在于把五花八门的多国舰队打造成行动聚合体。The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

三年前的那个夏天,我们还是一群素不相识的人,每天都乘坐巴士。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 3 years ago.

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33年的前的那个夏季,每天我们混迹在各色人中等待公车的到来。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 33 years ago.

接下来,让我们快速地查看一下公司里忙碌地工蜂们及他们的硬件。And let's have a quick look at our company's motley lineup of worker bees and their hardware.

在东海望有人用海狸皮,绵羊皮,和野兔皮给他缝了一间杂色花衣。At Eastwatch someone had sewn him a motley cloak of beaver pelts, sheepskins, and rabbit fur.

三年前的那个夏天,我们还是一群素不相识的人,每天都乘坐巴士。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer three years ago.

哈尔顿披上一件连帽斗篷,提利昂则脱下他的自制花衫换上单调灰暗的衣物。Haldon donned a hooded cloak, and Tyrion shed his homemade motley for something drab and grey.

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伯克希尔.哈撒播,美国运通和可口可乐公司推荐了这本傻瓜式的书籍。Berkshire Hathaway, American Express, and Coca-Cola are Motley Fool Inside Value recommendations.

再看耶稣,他有充分的理由摆脱那些层层包围他的人群。Look at Jesus. He had every right to give up on the motley crew that he had surrounded himself with.

当我剖析自己身体上各种疤痕的时候,我把它们看做是私人的符号,是开始谈话的话题。When I parse my body’s motley parade of scars, I see them as personal runes and conversation starters.