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她在利雅德法院审判中的案子不久后终结。Her case, tried in a Riyadh court, was later dropped.

接着,她先后访问了沙特阿拉伯的利雅得和吉达。She continued on to Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

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对我们来说,利雅得酒店非常重要,因为我们之前在那儿还没有开展业务。Riyadh is an important hotel for us. We have no presence there.

利雅德得是胡锦涛访问沙乌地阿拉伯和非洲的第一站。Riyadh is Mr. Hu's first stop on a visit to Saudi Arabia and Africa.

也因为这一点,油价看涨派几乎不能指望明年能从利雅德那里得到什么安慰。It also is why oil bulls can expect little relief from Riyadh next year.

我曾以电话和邮件方式联络阿尔瓦利德在利雅得的发言人,但均未得到回复。My calls and emails to Alwaleed’s spokespeople in Riyadh were not returned.

从华盛顿到利雅得,这种担心是当今世界各种焦虑情绪的潜台词。This concern is the subtext for much anxiety today, from Washington to Riyadh.

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在沙特利雅得的一家医院,医生们成功分离了一对连体婴儿。In Riyadh Saudi Arabia doctors successfully separated a pair of conjoined twins.

“白色,是今年的主打色,”来自沙特利雅得的迪耶·艾桑说。"White is the main color of this year, " from Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Diyeaisang said.

案件是由沙特阿拉伯北部Qasim省首府利雅得的法院受理的。The case was handled by a court in Qasim province, north of the Saudi capital Riyadh.

中东媒体说,他正好可以在沙特首都利雅得颐养天年。Middle East press that he could just enjoying their later years in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

23日下午,胡锦涛从利雅得乘专机抵达达曼访问。On the afternoon of April 23, Hu arrived in Dammam for a visit from Riyadh by special plane.

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胡锦涛是于当天下午从利雅得乘专机抵达达曼访问的。Hu arrived in Dammam for a visit by special plane from Riyadh on the afternoon of the same day.

一九八四年﹐艾尔敦先生获委任为沙特英国银行驻利雅德的助理董事总经理。In 1984 Mr Eldon was appointed Deputy Managing Director of The Saudi British Bank, based in Riyadh.

和100多名男同事一道,30名女性在利雅得宫殿宣誓就职。Thirty women took their seats to the royal palace in Riyadh alongside more than 100 male colleagues.

美国空军一号专机在利雅得机场着陆后,沙特国王阿卜杜拉亲自在机场迎接布什总统。King Abdullah was there to greet President Bush when Air Force One touched down at the Riyadh airport.

胡锦涛是在结束了对美国的访问后,从美国康涅狄格州温莎洛克斯市乘专机抵达利雅得的。Hu arrived in Riyadh from Windsor Locks, Connecticut, by special plane after concluding his visit to the US.

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伊本.西那此行是应邀出席利雅得的高等教育会展,并且还是重要嘉宾。Ibn Sina was travelling to Riyadh to become the key exhibit at a conference and exhibition on higher education.

是托特纳姆热刺的人与阿森纳的支持者不和,也正是阿布扎比的人们与利雅得的居民处处作对。It is the people of Tottenham against the people of Arsenal, the people of Abu Dhabi against the people of Riyadh.

美国总统奥巴马和沙特阿拉伯国王阿布杜拉下周料在利雅得举行的会议上就油价进行讨论.U.S. President Barack Obama and Saudi King Abdullah were expected to discuss oil prices at a meeting next week in Riyadh.