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头盖骨烛台?Cranium candelabra?

从烛台上背后的笔记本电脑和退出房间桌子蜡烛。Take CANDLE from candelabra on the table behind the laptop and exit room.

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萨沙由于满心感激而发抖,把一个大烛台放在医师面前。And sasha all of a tremor with gratitude set the candelabra before the doctor.

这是8米长,在该中心内的一个房间,与烛台,和真正的木材镶板。It is 8 metres long and in the centre of a room with candelabra and real wood panelling.

外观完成固体黄铜和镀银烛台零件和车轮的规模。The look is completed by solid brass and silver-plated candelabra parts and a scale wheel.

我们围着餐桌坐下来,桌子上方垂着一盏西班牙式的大吊灯。We are all seated around the dining room table under a lamp that looks like a Spanish candelabra.

他们坐在了桌边,桌上的大烛台早已摇曳着金色的光芒。They sat at the table, where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light on the table settings.

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那位被杀死的主教和仆从,被陈列在一个黑颜色的华盖下面,四周是用黑纱包裹起来的烛台。The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy, surrounded by candelabra decked with crape.

她摇了摇手,指着在烛台被换成电灯之前留在屋子里的长柄烛花剪。She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer which had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified.

梅利问,他们站在放着开胃食品桌旁,那有一个巨大的烛台,照着银咖啡器皿和银盘里的开胃食品。Melly asked when they were standing around the hors d'oeuvres table, where a huge candelabra lit the silver coffee service and savories on silver trays.

她将所有需要拿回家的东西打包装好,除了房间里塞得满满的书和她的大烛台,光明节每晚都要点亮的8分支圣烛台。She'd packed every thing she needed to take home except the books she was cramming with and her menorah, the 8 branch candelabra that's lit every night of Chanukah.

她已经把要带回去的所有的东西都打包整理好了,除了她现在正在复习的书和那个多连枝烛台,这个有八个分枝的枝状烛台点亮了光明节的每一个晚上。She'd packed every thing she needed to take home except the books she was cramming with and her menorah, the 8 branch candelabra that's lit every night of Chanukah"."

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对于克丽蓓嘉要把诸如枝形大烛台和银相框等装饰性物品列人心愿清单的想法,贾斯汀给出了反对建议,他说“我的第一反应是,为什么要这些玩意儿,大烛台又是什么东西?。Lysen wanted to add decorative items such as a candelabra and silver frames to their registry. "My first reaction was, why are we getting any of this and what is a candelabra? " he says. Ms.