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当时我从事的是金融业,I was working in finance

这就是理财的作用。That's what finance is about.

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请教一下是财务科吗?。Is the the finance department?

金融学学者怎么说呢What do finance theorists say?

你是财务科吗?Is this the finance department?

你的事业和财务怎样?How was your career and finance?

我有一个高薪的金融工作。I had a high-paying finance job.

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财政管理上辨别力良好。Good sense of finance management.

我在做金融和投资。I’m doing finance and investments.

这是金融界的一大难题It's a big complication in finance.

这是一个金融学的理论问题。This is about a theorem in finance.

潼关县秦东镇财政所。Tongguan Qindong Office of Finance.

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财政担保函样本。Assure the letter sample in finance.

连续时间金融。Continuous-time Finance Merton R. C.

水城县杨梅乡财政所。Shuicheng Yangmei Office of Finance.

天全县始阳镇财政所?。Tianquan Shiyang Office of Finance ?

使用的是JDE财务系统救命啊…What to use is a JDE finance system.

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请问是财务科吗?。Is this the finance deptechniquement?

这就是我所认为金融学的意义所在。That's what I think finance is about.

他对财务一窍不通。He does not understand finance at all.