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马克斯·韦伯是一位伟大的、杰出的社会学家。Max Weber is a great and outstanding sociologist.

以凤凰村为例对人多地少的乡村经济发展之路进行了分析。This village has been investigated by the American sociologist D.

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1920年6月14日,德国政治经济学家、社会学家马克斯·韦伯逝世,享年56岁。German political economist and sociologist Max Weber died at 56 on June 14.

北大的另一位专家,社会学家夏学銮就没有这麽乐观了。Xia Xueluan, a sociologist and Peking University colleague, was less sanguine.

美国社会学家戴维?波普诺去访问一户住在地下室里的德国居民。American sociologist David Popenoe visited a German family living in the basement.

齐美尔被认为是研究现代性的第一位社会学家。Simmel is considered to be the first sociologist who starts to research modernity.

“农民工”一词最早是由社会学家张玉林教授于1983年提出来的。"Migrant workers" was first raised by the sociologist Professor Zhang Yulin in 1983.

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这个社会学家认为平民社会会降低国家的素质。The sociologist maintained that a demotic society would lower the nation's standards.

习俗社会是由实然的法律规则来主导运行的。The sociologist puts forward that the law is the order operated in the custom society.

我们正处于一个激烈动荡的年代,社会学家将其称之为“成年期的变动时刻表”。We're in the thick of what one sociologist calls “the changing timetable for adulthood.

英国剑桥大学的社会学家戴维•斯图克勒参与了这份研究报告的撰写。David Stuckler, a sociologist at Britain's University of Cambridge, co-wrote the report.

卢杰斯大学的社会学家海伦.费雪说,这只能怪我们自己。Helen Fisher, a sociologist at Rutgers University, says we have only ourselves to blame.

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卢杰斯大学的社会学家海伦。费雪说,这只能怪我们自己。Helen Fisher, a sociologist at Rutgers University, says we have only ourselves to blame.

「大灾难是人类的伟大导师,」哈佛社会学家皮特林索罗金说。"Catastrophes are great educators of mankind, " said the Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin.

弗兰克-弗兰迪是肯特大学的一名社会学教授,他认为这些数据是“悲剧的”。Professor Frank Furedi, a sociologist from Kent University, described the figures as 'tragic'.

法国社会学家皮埃尔·布迪厄写了很多论述社会分化方面的书。The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu wrote many books about the social disparity in society.

但是,著名的社会学家李银河把这个数字定位在3600万到4800万,远远高于卫生部数据。However, renowned sociologist Li Yinhe, put the figure much higher at between 36 and 48 million.

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这位社会形态学家以为像克隆一类的繁殖技能容易触监犯的尊严。The sociologist holds that reproductive technologies such as cloning are prone to violate human dignity.

议价者和购物者的权益还不清晰,也不受保护。The rights of both bargainers and customers are unclear and unprotected, " Wang Kaiyu, a sociologist warned.

20世纪最为出色的社会学家,欧文·戈夫曼曾提出“拟剧理论”。Erving Goffman, the most excellent sociologist in 20th century once put forward the "Social Dramatic Theory".