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拿欧洲一年一度的大型歌唱大赛举个例子。Let’s take the Eurovision Song Contest as an example.

请点击这里欣赏他的出色表演。See link to his performance at the Eurovision final here.

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为英国赢得这次欧洲大赛,对于你们乐团有怎样的意义?What would it mean to the band to win Eurovision for the UK?

欢迎来到2013年欧洲歌唱大赛总决赛现场!Welcome to the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013.

共有51个国家的选手参加了欧洲歌唱大赛。Fifty-one countries have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest.

建筑狂潮在阿塞拜疆获得在欧洲歌唱大赛胜利后开始。The building boom began after the country had won in the Eurovision Song Contest.

挪威赢得欧洲歌曲大赛——欧洲收视率最高的年度电视赛事之一。Norway has won the Eurovision Song Contest, one of the most watched annual television events in Europe.

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在主办另一场活动——欧洲电视网歌唱大赛时,俄国也没有吝惜气力。Nor is Russia economising on another flag-waving event, the Eurovision song contest, which it is hosting.

欧洲电佘视节目交换制七次获胜者爱尔兰没有达到周六歌曲决赛的要求。Seven-times Eurovision winners Ireland have failed to qualify for Saturday's final of the song contest in Moscow.

阿塞拜疆参加过2008年的欧洲电视歌曲大赛,本次获得第一名,是阿塞拜疆56年历史上的第一次。It is the first time that Azerbaijan has won the contest in its 56-year history, having only joined Eurovision in 2008.

事实上,她刚从雅典,她提供的欧洲电视网歌曲大赛的布赖恩肯尼迪伴唱。In fact, she has just returned from Athens where she provided backing vocals for Brian Kennedy at the Eurovision Song Contest.

在运行到今年为止的欧洲电视歌唱大赛,名人选手为主的头条和天堂'赔率表。In the run-up to this year's Eurovision Song Contest, celebrity contestants dominated the headlines and the bookies' odds tables.

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普金还提到,这个歌曲大赛可以取名为"Intervision",类似于一年一度的"欧洲歌曲大赛Eurovision"。Putin said the joint song competition among SCO members could be called "Intervision" to rival the annual Eurovision Song Contest.

在今年欧洲电视网举行的歌曲竞赛中,法国参赛的是首英文歌,这件事在国外被人们传为笑谈,但是法国人对此不以为然。When they entered a song in English at this year's Eurovision song contest, it provoked wry amusement abroad, but indifference at home.

过去,克里姆林宫专家们通过列宁陵墓前的排位来窥视苏维埃领袖们的动向,如今的依据则是他们在欧洲电视网上出镜的次序。In the past Kremlinologists monitored Soviet leaders by their line-up above Lenin's mausoleum. Now it is by their appearance at Eurovision.

更离谱的是,宜家高层称图案上的人是70年代赢得瑞典欧洲电视歌曲大赛的阿巴乐队的本尼·安德森。In a further twist, Ikea bosses claim that the image is really Benny Anderson, of the Eurovision Song Contest-winning Swedish 1970s Europop outfit ABBA.

他根据他看过的电视剧,包括欧洲音乐比赛和美国警匪剧情类电视剧“盾牌”的细节,散布制作炸弹的言论。He intersperses the account of bomb-making with details of his television-watching, including the Eurovision music contest and the American police drama “The Shield.

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在本届欧洲电视网歌唱大赛中,凭借童话般的民谣歌曲,以绝对多数得票赢得此一世界影响力最广的歌唱比赛。A 23-year-old Norwegian violinist, Alexander Rybak, won the Eurovision song contest with an upbeat ballad that got the most votes in the history of one of the world's most watched television shows.