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你仅仅是借用了它。You’ll be borrowing it.

不妨借一处试试。Try borrowing one instead.

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我忘记了曾借过这本杂志。I forget borrowing the magazine.

哦,我借用艾伦的投诉警察课。Oh, and I'm borrowing Alan's capo.

人们借的越来越多People are also borrowing much more.

长期借款依然萎靡不振。Longer-term borrowing also is anemic.

那么,政府举债干什么?So what does government borrowing do?

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这次放贷他是出于无奈。He is being forced into this borrowing.

你记得曾向我借过10便士吗?。I3o you recollect borrowing 10p from me?

税收,借款和印刷美元。Taxation, borrowing and printing dollars.

其他开支都得靠更多举债来维持。Everything else will require more borrowing.

借钱买股票是有风险的。Borrowing to buy stocks is going to be risky.

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电视剧在这一点上正在借鉴游戏。TV shows are borrowing clichés from games now.

借词是一个普遍的语言现象。Borrowing is a universal linguistic phenomenon.

考虑用租赁或者借用代替购买。Consider renting or borrowing instead of buying.

我们可以通过借鉴他人的学习方法来搞好学习。We can study well by borrowing from others' ways.

在你借钱后就要面临归还贷款的那一天。After borrowing money, you must pay back the loan.

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没有什么比住房贷款更热。Nowhere was borrowing more fevered than in housing.

“洋泾浜”现象是语言借用的极端产物。Pidgin is an extreme product in language borrowing.

长期借贷市场仍然通路不畅。Longer-term borrowing markets are still mostly shut.